Let’s continue the series today by starting to look at structs. These are far more powerful in C++ than in C#, so today we’ll start with basics like defining and initializing them. Read on to get started!

Table of Contents

Declaration and Definition

Just like with functions and enumerations, structs may be declared and defined separately:

// Declaration
struct Vec3;
// Definition
struct Vec3
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;

Notice how struct declarations and definitions looks pretty similar to enumeration declarations and definitions. We use the struct keyword, give it a name, add curly braces to hold its contents, then finish up with a semicolon.

We can create struct variables just like we create primitive and enumeration variables:

Vec3 vec;

As with primitives and enumerations, this variable is uninitialized. Initialization of structs is a surprisingly complex topic compared to C# and we’ll cover it in depth later on in the series. For now, let’s just initialize by individually setting each of the struct’s data members. That’s the C++ term for the equivalent of fields in C#. They’re also commonly called “member variables.” To do this, we use the . operator just like in C#:

Vec3 vec;
vec.x = 1;
vec.y = 2;
vec.z = 3;
DebugLog(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); // 1, 2, 3

We can also initialize the data members in the struct definition with either =x or {x}:

struct Vec3
    float x = 1;
    float y{2};
    float z = 3;
Vec3 vec;
DebugLog(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); // 1, 2, 3

As with enumerations, we can also declare variables between the closing curly brace and the semicolon of a definition:

struct Vec3
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
} v1, v2, v3;

This is sometimes used when omitting the name of the struct. This anonymous struct has no name we can type out, but it can be used all the same in a similar way to C# tuples ((string Name, int Year) t = ("Apollo 11", 1969);):

// Anonymous struct with immediate variable
    const char16_t* Name;
    int32_t Year;
} moonMission;
// Variables of this type can be used just like named struct types
moonMission.Name = u"Apollo 11";
moonMission.Year = 1969;
DebugLog(moonMission.Name, moonMission.Year);

Because an anonymous struct can only be used via immediate variables, declaring one without any immediate variables isn’t allowed:

// Compiler error: anonymous struct requires at least one immediate variable
struct { float x; };

Like with enumerations whose underlying type isn’t in the declaration, the compiler doesn’t know the size of a struct after it’s declared. The definition is required to know its size, so a declared struct can’t be used to create a variable or define a function using the struct type as an argument or return value:

// Declaration
struct Vec3;
// Compiler error: can't create a variable before definition
Vec3 v;
// Compiler error: can't take a function argument before definition
float GetMagnitudeSquared(Vec3 vec)
    return 0;
// Compiler error: can't return a function return value before definition
Vec3 MakeVec(float x, float y, float z)
    // Compiler error: can't create a variable before definition
    Vec3 v;
    // Compiler error: can't return a struct before definition
    return v;

This also means that we can’t declare immediate variables after a struct declaration:

// Compiler error: can't create a variable before definition
struct Vec3 v1, v2, v3;

We can, however, use pointers and references to the struct since they don’t depend on its size:

// Declaration
struct Vec3;
// Pointer
Vec3* p = nullptr;
// lvalue reference
float GetMagnitudeSquared(Vec3& vec)
    return 0;
// rvalue reference
float GetMagnitudeSquared(Vec3&& vec)
    return 0;

To access the fields of a pointer, we can either dereference with *p and then use .x or use the shorthand p->x. Both are exactly equivalent to struct pointers in C#. With lvalue or rvalue references, we just use . because they are essentially just aliases to a variable, not a pointer.

// Variable
Vec3 vec;
vec.x = 1;
vec.y = 2;
vec.z = 3;
// Pointer
Vec3* p = &vec;
p->x = 10;
p->y = 20;
(*p).z = 30; // Alternate version of p->z
// lvalue reference
float GetMagnitudeSquared(Vec3& vec)
    return vec.x*vec.x + vec.y*vec.y + vec.z*vec.z;
// rvalue reference
float GetMagnitudeSquared(Vec3&& vec)
    return vec.x*vec.x + vec.y*vec.y + vec.z*vec.z;

Like in C#, the data members of a struct are grouped together in memory. Exactly how they’re laid out in memory isn’t defined by the C++ Standard though. Each compiler will lay out the data members as appropriate for factors such as the CPU architecture being compiled for.

This is similar to the default struct layout in C#, which behaves as though [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto)] were explicitly added. There is no [StructLayout] attribute in C++, but compiler-specific preprocessor directives are available to gain similar levels of control.

That said, compilers virtually always lay out the data members in a predictible pattern. Each is placed sequentially in the same order as written in the source code. Padding is placed between the data members according to the alignment requirements of the data types, which varies by CPU architecture. For example:

struct Padded  // Takes up 8 bytes
    int8_t a;  // Takes up 1 byte
               // Padding of 3 bytes
    int32_t b; // Takes up 4 bytes

The C++ Standard does make one guarantee though: a “standard layout.” This says that if two structs start with the same sequence of data types then those data members will be laid out the same. There are complex exceptions to this, but it’ll hold for most normal use cases like these. This means we can safely reinterpret some common struct types:

struct Vec3
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
struct Quat
    // Starts with the same three floats as Vec3
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
    // Not in common. May be placed anywhere later in memory.
    float w;
// Reinterpret Vec3 as Quat
Vec3 vec;
Vec3* pVec = &vec;
Quat* pQuat = (Quat*)pVec;
// Safe to use the three starting data members because types match
pQuat->x = 1;
pQuat->y = 2;
pQuat->z = 3;
// Definitely not safe to use the last data member
// Vec3 doesn't have a fourth float
// This is undefined behavior and probably corrupts memory
pQuat->w = 4;
DebugLog(pQuat->x, pQuat->y, pQuat->z); // 1, 2, 3
DebugLog(pVec->x, pVec->y, pVec->z); // 1, 2, 3
DebugLog(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); // 1, 2, 3
Bit Fields

In C#, we can manually create bit fields but C++ supports them natively for all integer data members including bool. This allows us to specify how many bits of memory a data member occupies:

struct Player
    bool IsAlive : 1;
    uint8_t Lives : 3;
    uint8_t Team : 2;
    uint8_t WeaponID : 2;

This struct takes up just one byte of memory because the sum of its bit fields’ sizes is 8. Normally it would have taken up 4 bytes since each data member would take up a whole byte of its own.

We can access these data members just like normal:

Player p;
p.IsAlive = true;
p.Lives = 5;
p.Team = 2;
p.WeaponID = 1;
DebugLog(p.IsAlive, p.Lives, p.Team, p.WeaponID); // true, 5, 2, 1

The compiler will, as always, generate CPU instructions specific to the arhitecture being compiled for and depending on settings such as optimization level. Generally though, the instructions will read one or more bytes containing the desired bits, use a bit mask to remove the other bits that were read, and shift the desired bits to the least-significant part of the data member’s type. Writing to a bit field is a similar process.

As of C++20, bit fields may be initialized in the struct definition just like other data members:

struct Player
    bool IsAlive : 1 = true;
    uint8_t Lives : 3 {5};
    uint8_t Team : 2 {2};
    uint8_t WeaponID : 2 = 1;
DebugLog(p.IsAlive, p.Lives, p.Team, p.WeaponID); // true, 5, 2, 1

Note that the size of a bit field may be larger than the stated type:

struct SixtyFourKilobits
    uint8_t Val : 64*1024;

The size of Val and the struct itself is 64 kilobits, but Val is still used just like an 8-bit integer.

Bit fields may also be unnamed:

struct FirstLast
    uint8_t First : 1; // First bit of the byte
    uint8_t : 6;       // Skip six bits
    uint8_t Last : 1;  // Last bit of the byte

Unnamed bit fields can also have zero size, which tells the compiler to put the next data member on the next byte it aligns to:

struct FirstBitOfTwoBytes
    uint8_t Byte1 : 1;  // First bit of the first byte
    uint8_t : 0;        // Skip to the next byte
    uint8_t Byte2 : 1;  // First bit of the second byte

Finally, since bit fields don’t necessarily start at the beginning of a byte we can’t take their memory address:

FirstBitOfTwoBytes x;
// Compiler error: can't take the address of a bit field
uint8_t* p = &x.Byte1;
Static Data Members

Like static fields in C#, data members may be static in C++:

struct Player
    int32_t Score;
    static int32_t HighScore;

The meaning is the same as in C#. Each Player object doesn’t have a HighScore but rather there is one HighScore for all Player objects. Because it’s bound to the struct type, not an instance of the struct, we use the scope resolution operator (::) as we did with scoped enumerations to access the data member:

Player::HighScore = 0;

What we put inside the struct definition is actually just a declaration of a variable, so we still need to define it outside the struct:

struct Player
    int32_t Score;
    static int32_t HighScore; // Declaration
// Definition
int32_t Player::HighScore;
// Incorrect definition
// This just creates a new HighScore variable
// We need the "Player::" part to refer to the declaration
int32_t HighScore;

This also gives us an opportunity to initialize the variable:

int32_t Player::HighScore = 0;

Because the static data member inside the struct definition is just a declaration, it can use other types that haven’t yet been defined as long as they’re defined by the time we define the static data member:

// Declaration
struct Vec3;
struct Player
    int32_t Health;
    // Declaration
    static Vec3 Fastest;
// Definition
struct Vec3
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
// Definition
Vec3 Player::Fastest;

If the static data member is const, we can initialize it inline. We’ll go over const later in the series, but for now it’s similar to readonly in C#.

struct Player
    int32_t Health;
    const static int32_t MaxHealth = 100;

We’re still allowed to put the definition outside the struct, but it’s optional to do so. If we do, we can only put the initialization in one of the two places:

// Option 1: initialize in the struct definition
struct Player
    int32_t Health;
    const static int32_t MaxHealth = 100;
const int32_t Player::MaxHealth;
// Option 2: initialize outside the struct definition
struct Player
    int32_t Health;
    const static int32_t MaxHealth;
const int32_t Player::MaxHealth = 100;
// Compiler error if initializing in both places
struct Player
    int32_t Health;
    const static int32_t MaxHealth = 100;
const int32_t Player::MaxHealth = 100;

Static data members may also be inline, much like with global variables:

struct Player
    int32_t Health;
    inline static int32_t MaxHealth = 100;

In this case, we can’t put a definition outside of the struct:

struct Player
    int32_t Health;
    inline static int32_t MaxHealth = 100;
// Compiler error: can't define outside the struct
int32_t Player::MaxHealth;

Lastly, static data members can’t be bit fields. This would make no sense since they’re not part of instances of the struct and aren’t even necessarily located together in memory with other static data members of the struct:

struct Flags
    // All of these are compiler errors
    // Static data members can't be bit fields
    static bool IsStarted : 1;
    static bool WonGame : 1;
    static bool GotHighScore : 1;
    static bool FoundSecret : 1;
    static bool PlayedMultiplayer : 1;
    static bool IsLoggedIn : 1;
    static bool RatedGame : 1;
    static bool RanBenchmark : 1;

To work around this, make a struct with non-static bit fields and another struct with a static instance of the first struct:

struct FlagBits
    bool IsStarted : 1;
    bool WonGame : 1;
    bool GotHighScore : 1;
    bool FoundSecret : 1;
    bool PlayedMultiplayer : 1;
    bool IsLoggedIn : 1;
    bool RatedGame : 1;
    bool RanBenchmark : 1;
struct Flags
    static FlagBits Bits;
FlagBits Flags::Bits;
Flags::Bits.WonGame = true;
Disallowed Data Members

C++ forbids using some kinds of data members in structs. First, auto is not allowed for the data type:

struct Bad
    // Compiler error: auto isn't allowed even if we initialize it inline
    auto Val = 123;

An exception to this rule is when the data member is both static and const:

struct Good
    // OK since data member is static and const
    static const auto Val = 123;

Next, while register is only deprecated for other kinds of variables, it’s illegal for data members:

struct Bad
    // Compiler error: data members can't be register variables
    register int Val = 123;

This is also true for other storage class specifiers like extern:

struct Bad
    // Compiler error: data members can't be extern variables
    extern int Val = 123;

The entire struct can be declared with either storage class specifier instead:

struct Good
    uint8_t Val;
register Good r;
extern Good e;

While we saw above that declared types that aren’t yet defined can be used for static data members, this is not the case for non-static data members:

struct Vec3;
struct Bad
    // Compiler error: Vec3 isn't defined yet
    Vec3 Pos;

As with other variables of types that are declared but not yet defined, we are allowed to have pointers and references:

struct Vec3;
struct Good
    // OK to have a pointer to a type that's declared but not yet defined
    Vec3* PosPointer;
    // OK to have an lvalue to a type that's declared but not yet defined
    Vec3& PosLvalueReference;
    // OK to have an rvalue to a type that's declared but not yet defined
    Vec3&& PosRvalueReference;
Nested Types

C++ allows us to nest types within structs just like we can in C#. Let’s start with a scoped enumeration:

struct Character
    enum struct Type
    Type Type;
Character c;
c.Type = Character::Type::Player;

Note how we use Character::Type to refer to Type within Character and then ::Player to refer to an enumerator within Type.

Also note how we can have both a Type enumeration and a Type data member. The two are disambiguated by the operator used to access the content of the struct:

Character c;
Character* p = &c;
Character& r = c;
// . operator means "access data member"
auto t = c.Type;
t = r.Type;
// -> operator means "dereference pointer then access data member"
t = p->Type;
// :: operator means "get something scoped to the type"
Character::Type t2;

Ambiguity arises if the data member is static and has the same name as a nested type:

struct Character
    enum struct Type
    static Type Type;
// Compiler error: Character::Type is ambiguous
// It could be either the scoped enumeration or the static data member
Character::Type Character::Type = Character::Type::Player;

We can also nest unscoped enumerations:

struct Character
    enum Type
    Type Type;
} c;
// Optionally specify the unscoped enumeration type name
c.Type = Character::Type::Player;
// Or don't specify it
// Enumerators are added to the surrounding scope: the struct
c.Type = Character::Player;

Finally, we can nest structs within structs. As with enumerations, this can be used to contextualize them such as to clean up our Flags example above:

struct Flags
    struct FlagBits
        bool IsStarted : 1;
        bool WonGame : 1;
        bool GotHighScore : 1;
        bool FoundSecret : 1;
        bool PlayedMultiplayer : 1;
        bool IsLoggedIn : 1;
        bool RatedGame : 1;
        bool RanBenchmark : 1;
    static FlagBits Bits;
Flags::FlagBits Flags::Bits;

We can combine this with anonymous structs to eliminate some of the verbosity. If we do, we’ll need to use decltype in order to state the type of the static variable when we define it outside the struct since we didn’t give it an explicit name:

struct Flags
    // Unnamed struct with bit fields
    // The data member Bits is static
    static struct
        bool IsStarted : 1;
        bool WonGame : 1;
        bool GotHighScore : 1;
        bool FoundSecret : 1;
        bool PlayedMultiplayer : 1;
        bool IsLoggedIn : 1;
        bool RatedGame : 1;
        bool RanBenchmark : 1;
    } Bits;
// The unnamed struct has no name we can just type
// Use decltype to refer to its type
decltype(Flags::Bits) Flags::Bits;
Flags::Bits.WonGame = true;

Of course we can continue to nest structs infinitly within other structs, but it’s generally a good idea to keep it to two or three levels and avoid resorting to anything like this:

struct S1
    struct S2
        struct S3
            struct S4
                struct S5
                    uint8_t Val;
S1::S2::S3::S4::S5 s;
s.Val = 123;

We’re only just scratching the surface of C++ structs and already they have quite a few more advanced features than their C# counterparts:

Feature Example
Split declaration and definition struct S; struct S{};
Inline data member initializers struct S {int X=1, int Y=2};
Bit fields struct S {bool a:1; bool :6; bool b:1;};
Immediate variables struct S {} s;
Anonymous structs struct {float X; float Y;} pos2;
References to structs struct S {} s; S& lr = s; S&& rr = S();
Automatic data member typing struct S {static const auto X=1;};
Shared nested type and data member name struct S {enum E{}; E E;};

Stay tuned for so, so many more features of C++ structs!