Bit fields give us the ability to use less than one byte to store an integer. This can be really useful to fit more data into a CPU cache or to reduce memory usage in general. Unfortunately, bit fields aren’t built into C#. Today we’ll work around that by creating our own!

The Goal

We want to store integers in less than one byte, but the smallest type in C# is byte so we seemingly can’t do that. Bit fields allow us to break that rule and treat runs of bits in a type like byte as a nested integer. For example, we could create a bit field like this to store information about a player:

Bit Index Meaning
0 Is alive?
1 Lives
2 Lives
3 Lives
4 Team
5 Team
6 Weapon ID
7 Weapon ID

Here we’ve packed four variables into one byte! The downside is that these variables now need to be very small. “Is alive?” is only one bit, but that’s OK because it’s a boolean. “Lives” takes up three bits, so it can be 0-7. Maybe that’s OK for our particular game. “Team” and “Weapon ID” are both two bits and can be 0-3, so we can have only four teams and four types of weapons. That could be OK for some games, but a ushort, uint, or ulong may be needed for others.

Now consider the more straightforward approach of defining a struct with individual fields:

public struct Player
    public bool IsAlive;
    public byte Lives;
    public byte Team;
    public byte WeaponID;

sizeof(Player) tells us this takes up 4 bytes: 4x larger than our byte-based bit field!

Now imagine we could define a struct with just a byte field:

public struct Player
   public byte BitField;
   public bool IsAlive
      get { return BitManip.Get0(BitField) != 0; }
      set { BitField = BitManip.Set0(BitField, (byte)(value ? 1 : 0)); }
   public byte Lives
      get { return BitManip.Get1to3(BitField); }
      set { BitField = BitManip.Set1to3(BitField, value); }
   public byte Team
      get { return BitManip.Get4to5(BitField); }
      set { BitField = BitManip.Set4to5(BitField, value); }
   public byte WeaponID
      get { return BitManip.Get6to7(BitField); }
      set { BitField = BitManip.Set6to7(BitField, value); }

BitField takes the place of all the fields but properties allow just as convenient access to them. All the code using Player is the same as before since it’s API is essentially the same.

Bit Runs

All we need now is the BitManip static class full of functions to get runs of bits. Writing these functions is quite simple. For example, here are the functions for the 4-5 run:

public static byte Get4to5(byte src)
    return (byte)((src & 0b00110000) >> 4);
public static byte Set4to5(byte src, byte val)
    return (byte)((src & 0b11001111) | ((val & 0b00000011) << 4));

For the “get” function, we mask out just the bits we want and then shift them to the least-significant bits so they make sense. For the “set” function, we mask out all the bits to not set and take the binary OR of that with the bits to set, which are masked for safety and shifted into place.

Code Generation

Writing these functions quickly becomes tedious. Considering we have to write every possible run for byte, ushort, uint, and ulong, we’re looking at more functions than is feasible to write by hand. So let’s turn to code generation to generate all the runs of all the bit lengths for all the types. Here is a small JavaScript program that outputs the class:

// Code generator for the following class
console.log(`/// <summary>`);
console.log(`/// Functions for reading and writing runs of bits from a byte.`);
console.log(`/// This class is auto-generated. Don't modify by hand.`);
console.log(`/// </summary>`);
console.log(`/// <author>`);
console.log(`/// Jackson Dunstan,`);
console.log(`/// </author>`);
console.log(`/// <license>`);
console.log(`/// MIT`);
console.log(`/// </license>`);
console.log(`public static class BitManip`);
function getTypeName(size) {
    if (size <= 8) {
        return 'byte';
    if (size <= 16) {
        return 'ushort';
    if (size <= 32) {
        return 'uint';
    return 'ulong';
for (let size = 8; size <= 64; size *= 2) {
    const name = getTypeName(size);
    for (let numBits = 1; numBits <= (size - 1); ++numBits) {
        const getRetType = getTypeName(numBits);
        console.log(`    // ${numBits} bit${numBits > 1 ? "s" : ""} of a ${name}`);
        const remainBits = size - numBits;
        for (let firstBitIndex = 0; firstBitIndex <= remainBits; ++firstBitIndex) {
            const lastBitIndex = firstBitIndex + numBits;
            let keepBitsMask = '';
            let getMask = '';
            for (let i = 0; i < firstBitIndex; ++i) {
                keepBitsMask += '1';
                getMask += '0';
            for (let i = firstBitIndex; i < lastBitIndex; ++i) {
                keepBitsMask += '0';
                getMask += '1';
            for (let i = lastBitIndex; i < size; ++i) {
                keepBitsMask += '1';
                getMask += '0';
            keepBitsMask = '0b' + keepBitsMask.split('').reverse().join('');
            getMask = '0b' + getMask.split('').reverse().join('');
            let takeBitsMask = '0b';
            for (let i = 0; i < remainBits; ++i) {
                takeBitsMask += '0';
            for (let i = 0; i < numBits; ++i) {
                takeBitsMask += '1';
            const shift = firstBitIndex;
            let getSetName = firstBitIndex;
            if (lastBitIndex > firstBitIndex + 1) {
                getSetName += 'to' + (lastBitIndex-1);
            console.log(`    public static ${getRetType} Get${getSetName}(${name} src)`);
            console.log(`    {`);
            console.log(`       return (${getRetType})((src & ${getMask}) >> ${shift});`);
            console.log(`    }`);
            console.log(`    `);
            console.log(`    public static ${name} Set${getSetName}(${name} src, ${name} val)`);
            console.log(`    {`);
            console.log(`       return (${name})((src & ${keepBitsMask}) | ((val & ${takeBitsMask}) << ${shift}));`);
            console.log(`    }`);
            console.log(`    `);

This can be pasted into a web browser or, much more conveniently, run on the command line with node generate-bitmanip-cs.js. The result is a 28008 line C# file that we can add to our Unity project.


By combining a little bit manipulation with some code generation, we now have the ability to create bit fields in C#! By shrinking our data, we can use less of a CPU cache line and less memory or file size in general. We need to keep our values small, pay a little bit of CPU to perform these bit operations, need to generate a large C# file, and need to write some properties to access the bits, but overall the costs are pretty low. Consider bit fields as another tool in our toolbox, ready to be employed when the benefits outweigh the costs.