We’ve covered all the individual container types, so let’s take a step back and look at the containers library as a whole. A lot of features, like support for range-based for loops and allocator customization, are supported in all container types. Today we’ll take a look at the commonalities between the containers and see what ties them together into a cohesive library.

Table of Contents


C# containers like List implement the IEnumerable<T> interface. This means they provide a GetEnumerator method that returns an IEnumerator<T>. This in turn provides a Current property to access the current element and a MoveNext method to move to the next element.

C++ containers provide the same support for this abstract form of traversing a collection, but they call the object keeping track of the traversal an “iterator” instead of an “enumerator.” Regardless of the container type, it’ll have two member type aliases: iterator and const_iterator. Here’s how we use them the way we’d manually traverse a collection vith IEnumerator<T> in C#:

#include <vector>
// Create a vector with three elements
std::vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3 };
// Call begin() to get an iterator that's at the first element: 1
// Call end() to get an iterator that's one past the last element: 3
// Use the overloaded pre-increment operator to advance to the next element
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it{ v.begin() }; it != v.end(); ++it)
    // Use the overloaded dereference operator to get the element
    DebugLog(*it); // 1 then 2 then 3

It’s worth noting that while both the pre-increment and post-increment operators are overloaded for iterator types, the pre-increment operator is always at least as fast as the post-increment operator. They may be equally fast, but it’s a good habit to use the pre-increment operator when manually using iterators.

There are a few variations of the above canonical loop that are commonly seen:

#include <vector>
std::vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3 };
// Use the free functions begin() and end() instead of the member functions
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it{ std::begin(v) }; it != std::end(v); ++it)
    DebugLog(*it); // 1 then 2 then 3
// Use cbegin() and cend() to get constant (i.e. read-only) iterators
for (
    std::vector<int>::const_iterator it{ v.cbegin() };
    it != v.cend();
    DebugLog(*it); // 1 then 2 then 3
// Use auto to avoid the long type name
for (auto it{ v.cbegin() }; it != v.cend(); ++it)
    DebugLog(*it); // 1 then 2 then 3

The design of iterators and functions like begin and end make all of the container types compatible with range-based for loops. Since they were introduced in C++11 it’s now far less common to see these verbose loops that manually control iterators in the simple, and most common, “start to end” fashion. Instead, we just use a for loop and let the compiler generate the same code as the manual version:

#include <vector>
std::vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3 };
// Non-const copies of every element
for (int x : v)
    DebugLog(x); // 1 then 2 then 3
// Non-const references to every element
for (int& x : v)
    DebugLog(x); // 1 then 2 then 3
// const copies of every element
for (const int x : v)
    DebugLog(x); // 1 then 2 then 3
// const references to every element
for (const int& x : v)
    DebugLog(x); // 1 then 2 then 3

Note that auto can be used instead of int in all of the above examples.

Besides the basics of traversing a collection from start to end, many iterator types support more functionality. For example, the iterators of a std::vector support random access via the overloaded it[N] operator. We’ll go into these in-depth in the next article.


C++ containers allow customization of how they allocate memory in two ways. First, the classic way is to pass an allocator type as a template argument. This defaults to the std::allocator class template we saw in the System Integration Library. We can create our own type of allocator though and use it to improve performance, add safety checks, allocate memory out of special pools such as the file system or VRAM, or anything else we’d like to do:

#include <list>
// Custom allocator using malloc() and free() from the C Standard Library
template <class T>
struct MallocFreeAllocator
    // This allocator allocates objects of type T
    using value_type = T;
    // Default constructor
    MallocFreeAllocator() noexcept = default;
    // Converting copy constructor
    template<class U>
    MallocFreeAllocator(const MallocFreeAllocator<U>&) noexcept
    // Allocate enough memory for n objects of type T
    T* allocate(const size_t n) const
        return reinterpret_cast<T*>(malloc(n * sizeof(T)));
    // Deallocate previously-allocated memory
    void deallocate(T* const p, size_t) const noexcept
void Foo()
    // Use the custom allocator to allocate the list's memory
    std::list<int, MallocFreeAllocator<int>> li{ 1, 2, 3 };
    for (int x : li)

What exactly this prints, besides at least one “allocate”, then “1”, “2”, and “3”, then at least one “deallocate” depends on the implementation of the std::list type, but it’s likely to look something like this:


If we’d rather construct the allocator ourselves, perhaps to customize it in some way, rather than letting the container construct it, then we can pass it to the container’s constructor:

// Create an allocator
MallocFreeAllocator<int> alloc{};
// Pass it to the constructor to be used
std::list<int, MallocFreeAllocator<int>> li{ {1, 2, 3}, alloc };

The good thing about this kind of customization is that no virtual functions are required so we don’t take a performance hit compared to direct function calls. The bad part is that the allocator becomes part of the type of the container. The above variable has type std::list<int, MallocFreeAllocator<int>> which is different from the default type std::list<int, std::allocator<int>>. This disables certain functionality such as using the overloaded = operator to assign all the elements of a list to another list or to mix and match iterator types.

The other form of memory allocation customization is designed to make the opposite trade-off. Available since C++17, it takes the performance hit of virtual function calls rather than create discrete types that include the allocator. We’ve seen this before with std::pmr::basic_string and it’s an option that’s also available on the other container types. There are class templates such as std::pmr::vector and std::pmr::list that mirror their non-pmr versions nearly identically:

#include <list>
#include <memory_resource>
// A std::pmr::memory_resource that uses the new and delete operators
struct NewDeleteMemoryResource : public std::pmr::memory_resource
    // Allocate bytes, not a particular type
    virtual void* do_allocate(
        std::size_t numBytes, std::size_t alignment) override
        return new uint8_t[numBytes];
    // Deallocate bytes
    virtual void do_deallocate(
        void* p, std::size_t numBytes, std::size_t alignment) override
    // Check if this resource's allocation and deallocation are compatible
    // with that of another resource
    virtual bool do_is_equal(
        const std::pmr::memory_resource& other) const noexcept override
        // Compatible if the same type
        return typeid(other) == typeid(NewDeleteMemoryResource);
void Foo()
    // Make the memory resource
    NewDeleteMemoryResource mr{};
    // Make the polymorphic allocator backed by the memory resource
    std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<int> polyalloc{ &mr };
    // Pass the polymorphic allocator to the constructor to be used
    std::pmr::list<int> li1{ {1, 2, 3}, polyalloc };
    for (int x : li1)
        DebugLog(x); // 1 then 2 then 3
    // Class template instantiations are compatible
    // This has a different polymorphic allocator: the default
    std::pmr::list<int> li2 = li1;
    for (int x : li2)
        DebugLog(x); // 1 then 2 then 3

C#’s managed memory model means there’s no customization of any container’s allocation strategy.

Free Functions

A number of free functions, i.e. those that aren’t a member of any class, work on all the container types. We’ve already seen std::begin and std::end above to get iterators. We’ve also seen C++20’s std::erase and std::erase_if for several array and non-array container types.

There’s one more free function that works on containers to talk about: std::swap. This function swaps the contents of one container with the contents of another container. This can often be performed very efficiently, such as swapping pointers. For example, a simple array type might overload std::swap like this:

// Forward-declare the array type
template <typename T>
class SimpleArray;
// Forward-declare the std::swap function overload
namespace std
    template<class T>
    void swap(SimpleArray<T>& a, SimpleArray<T>& b) noexcept;
// Define the array type
template <typename T>
class SimpleArray
    T* Elements;
    int Length;
    // Allow the std::swap overload to access private members
    friend void std::swap(SimpleArray<T>& a, SimpleArray<T>& b) noexcept;
    SimpleArray(int length)
        Elements = new T[length];
        Length = length;
        delete[] Elements;
    int GetLength()
        return Length;
    int& operator[](int index)
        if (index < 0 || index >= Length)
            throw std::out_of_range{"Index out of bounds"};
        return Elements[index];
// Define the std::swap function overload
namespace std
    template<class T>
    void swap(SimpleArray<T>& a, SimpleArray<T>& b) noexcept
        // Swap pointers instead of copying all the elements
        T* elements = a.Elements;
        a.Elements = b.Elements;
        b.Elements = elements;
        // Swap lengths
        int length = a.Length;
        a.Length = b.Length;
        b.Length = length;
void Foo()
    SimpleArray<int> a{ 3 };
    a[0] = 1;
    a[1] = 2;
    a[2] = 3;
    SimpleArray<int> b{ 5 };
    b[0] = 10;
    b[1] = 20;
    b[2] = 30;
    b[3] = 40;
    b[4] = 50;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.GetLength(); ++i)
        DebugLog(a[i]); // 1, 2, 3
    for (int i = 0; i < b.GetLength(); ++i)
        DebugLog(b[i]); // 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
    // Swap the contents of a and b
    std::swap(a, b);
    for (int i = 0; i < a.GetLength(); ++i)
        DebugLog(a[i]); // 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
    for (int i = 0; i < b.GetLength(); ++i)
        DebugLog(b[i]); // 1, 2, 3

Overloads like the one we created above for SimpleArray exist for all the C++ Standard Library containers. It’s even typical to create overloads like the above for any custom container types we create. Usage with types like std::unordered_set looks just the same:

#include <unordered_set>
// Create collections
std::unordered_set<int> a{ 1, 2, 3 };
std::unordered_set<int> b{ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
// Print initial contents
for (int x : a)
    DebugLog(x); // 1, 2, 3
for (int x : b)
    DebugLog(x); // 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
// Swap contents
std::swap(a, b);
// Print swapped contents
for (int x : a)
    DebugLog(x); // 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
for (int x : b)
    DebugLog(x); // 1, 2, 3

C++ supports a wide variety of error-handling techniques ranging from simple return codes to exceptions, std::optional, and even the C Standard Library’s errno. Most of the C++ Standard Library uses exceptions though. This includes all the container types, such as detecting out-of-bounds conditions like SimpleArray did above:

#include <vector>
std::vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3 };
    int x = v[1000];
    DebugLog(x); // Does not get printed
catch (const std::out_of_range& ex)
    DebugLog(ex.what()); // Maybe "vector subscript out of range"

The same is true for myriad other erroneous operations. For example, calling front on an empty std::vector throws an exception because there’s no way it could possibly return a valid T& or a T& indicating an error that would work with all types of T:

#include <vector>
std::vector<int> v{};
    int x = v.front();
    DebugLog(x); // Does not get printed
catch (const std::out_of_range& ex)
    DebugLog(ex.what()); // Maybe "front() called on empty vector"

This behavior is very similar to C# where exceptions are used as the preferred error-handling mechanism. Still, some C++ codebases and style guides, especially in video games, forbid using exceptions. C++ compilers typically provide a way to disable this language feature and even to change the error-handling mechanism of the C++ Standard Library so that it doesn’t use exceptions. Some Standard Library variants, notably EASTL by Electronic Arts, also support enabling and disabling exceptions.

In-Place Construction

We’ve seen the use of functions with “emplace” in their names, but not yet delved into what that means. So far they’ve behaved just like other functions such as those with “push” in their names. Now we’ll see how they’re different:

#include <vector>
// A class that logs its lifecycle
struct Noisy
    int Val;
    Noisy(int val)
        Val = val;
        DebugLog(Val, "val ctor");
    Noisy(const Noisy& other)
        Val = other.Val;
        DebugLog(Val, "copy ctor");
        DebugLog(Val, "dtor");
std::vector<Noisy> v{};
// Prints:
//   123, val ctor
//   123, copy ctor
//   123, dtor
// Prints:
//   456, val ctor

Both push_back and emplace_back add an element to the end of a std::vector, but they do it in different ways. The “push” version takes a reference to an element, a Noisy& or Noisy&& in this case, and copies it to the array that std::vector contains. That means this humble function call actually performs several steps.

First, implicitly convert 123, which is an rvalue because it doesn’t have a name, to a Noisy&& rvalue reference by inserting a call to the Noisy(int) constructor. This is why we see the “123, val ctor” log message. The call now looks like this:


Second, the implementation of push_back copies the parameter to its array of Noisy objects. It’s as though push_back included a line that used “placement new” to call the copy constructor with this being the appropriate location in its array. This is why we see the “123, copy ctor” log message. Here’s a pseudo-code version of how that might look:

void push_back(T&& value)
    new (&Elements[EndIndex]) Noisy{ value };

Finally, the temporary Noisy created by the implicit conversion in the first step is destroyed at the end of the statement. As a result, we see the “123, dtor” log message.

On the other hand, emplace_back does not take the element to add to the std::vector. Instead, it takes the arguments to pass to the “placement new” operator. It’s as though emplace_back is implemented like this:

void emplace_back(int val)
    new (&Elements[EndIndex]) Noisy{ val };

This means there’s no implicit conversion and therefore only one object is created. We see this with the “456, val ctor” log message. Of course the real implementation of emplace_back is more complicated so it can work on the arbitrary numbers of parameters required by various element types T.

There’s no equivalent to this in C# as all element additions use the “push” style of copying. In the case of managed types, a managed reference is copied. The size of the copy is just a pointer, but another reference to the object is created and must be tracked for future garbage collection. Unmanaged types such as primitives and structs are simply copied and the cost depends on their size. Copying large structs may be expensive.


Similar to std::basic_string_view, C++20 introduces a new “view” type that works with any container: std::span. This is very similar to the Span and ReadOnlySpan types in C#. A ReadOnlySpan type is unnecessary in C++ as const can be used to disable mutating member functions and overloaded operators. Like std::basic_string_view, a std::span also doesn’t “own” the underlying memory that holds the contained values but rather references it like a pointer would. Here’s the basic usage:

#include <vector>
#include <span>
// Create a container
std::vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3 };
// Create a span to view the container
std::span<int> s{ v };
// Use the span to get the contents of the container
for (int x : s)
    DebugLog(x); // 1 then 2 then 3

One benefit of std::span is that it abstracts the underlying collection type in a similar way to using IEnumerable<T> in C#. It uses templates to do this at compile-time rather than runtime and thus avoids the overhead of interfaces’ virtual functions. Its non-explicit constructor combined with C++’s implicit conversion allows for any type of container to be passed to a function taking a std::span:

#include <vector>
#include <span>
void Print(std::span<int> s)
    for (int x : s)
std::vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3 };
Print(v); // 1 then 2 then 3
int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
Print(a); // 1 then 2 then 3

std::span is able to behave like a container because it contains all the usual member functions: begin, end, size, front, back, etc. We can call them directly or indirectly via features like the range-based for loop above. There’s also an additional function to get a std::span that views just a portion of an existing std::span:

#include <vector>
#include <span>
std::vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// A span covering the whole container
std::span<int> s{ v };
DebugLog(s.size()); // 5
for (int x : s)
    DebugLog(x); // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
// A sub-span of the middle 3 elements
std::span<int> ss{ s.subspan(1, 3) };
DebugLog(ss.size()); // 3
for (int x : ss)
    DebugLog(x); // 2, 3, 4

The containers library is designed in such a way that containers are very compatible with each other and with the C++ language itself. They all have iterators that can be used directly or via range-based for loops just like C# container types can be used with foreach loops. They consistently handle errors with exceptions, just like C# containers do, but often allow disabling those exceptions. The std::span type provides an abstract view of any container just like Span does. All in all, there’s a lot of similarity between C++ and C#.

Some divergence appears when we start to look at advanced operations. Swapping the contents of containers is implemented very efficiently in C++ via template specialization, which C# lacks. Allocation customization is available in two forms, but unavailable in C#. In-place construction of elements is only possible in C++ due to the ability to “forward” constructor parameters and perform “placement new” construction.

Finally, here’s a comparison table between each of the container types in the two languages:

Container C++ C#
Dynamic Array vector List
Static Array array N/A
Bit Array vector<bool> BitArray
Value Array valarray N/A
Double-Ended Queue deque N/A
Queue queue Queue
Stack stack Stack
Hash Map unordered_map Dictionary
Hash Multimap unordered_multimap N/A
Map map OrderedDictionary
Multimap multimap N/A
Hash Set unordered_set HashSet
Hash Multiset unordered_multiset N/A
Set set SortedSet
Multiset multiset N/A
Doubly-Linked List list LinkedList
Singly-Linked List forward_list N/A