I recently received an e-mail from asking which is faster: a DisplayObjectContainer or a Vector of DisplayObject. To ask this is to question whether or not we can do better than the Flash Player’s native container of DisplayObjects using AS3. It turns out that we can. Read on for several ways to improve on DisplayObjectContainer‘s speed.

For today’s comparison test I’ll be taking the above challenge but adding, out of curiosity, a few more collections. Here’s the complete list of what I’m testing and why:

  • Sprite– the simplest form of DisplayObjectContainer
  • Vector– the fastest indexed collection as of Flash Player 10.1
  • Array– in case Flash Player 9 support is required
  • MovieClip– in case we’re dealing with animation or an FLA
  • QuickSpriteVector– a Sprite derivative that holds a Vector of its children
  • QuickSpriteArray– a Sprite derivative that holds an Array of its children, in case of Flash Player 9

We should compare them in multiple ways so as to get a full picture of the performance characteristics in a variety of use cases. The following test will use three approaches:

  • Index– get a DisplayObject by index
  • Search (best case)– linear search for a DisplayObject that happens to be the first in the list
  • Search (worst base)– linear search for a DisplayObject that happens to not be in the list

Let’s take a look at the performance test:

	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.utils.*;
	import flash.text.*;
	public class HoldingDisplayObjects extends Sprite
		private var __logger:TextField = new TextField();
		private function log(msg:*): void { __logger.appendText(msg + "\n"); }
		public function HoldingDisplayObjects()
			__logger.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
			const SIZE:int = 100;
			const REPS:int = 1000000;
			const INDEX:int = SIZE / 2;
			var i:int;
			var j:int;
			var beforeTime:int;
			var afterTime:int;
			var childFirstArr:DisplayObject;
			var childFirstVec:DisplayObject;
			var childFirstSpr:DisplayObject;
			var childFirstMov:DisplayObject;
			var childFirstQSA:DisplayObject;
			var childFirstQSV:DisplayObject;
			var childNotInList:DisplayObject;
			var arr:Array = [];
			var vec:Vector.<DisplayObject> = new Vector.<DisplayObject>();
			var spr:Sprite = new Sprite();
			var mov:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
			var qsa:QuickSpriteArray = new QuickSpriteArray();
			var qsv:QuickSpriteVector = new QuickSpriteVector();
			var qsaChildren:Array = qsa.children;
			var qsvChildren:Vector.<DisplayObject> = qsv.children;
			for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
				arr.push(new Sprite());
				vec.push(new Sprite());
				spr.addChild(new Sprite());
				mov.addChild(new Sprite());
				qsa.addChild(new Sprite());
				qsv.addChild(new Sprite());
			childFirstArr = arr[0];
			childFirstVec = vec[0];
			childFirstSpr = spr.getChildAt(0);
			childFirstMov = mov.getChildAt(0);
			childFirstQSA = qsaChildren[0];
			childFirstQSV = qsvChildren[0];
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tArray: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tVector: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tSprite: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tMovieClip: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tQuickSpriteArray: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tQuickSpriteVector: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			log("Search (best case)");
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (arr[j] == childFirstArr)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tArray: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (vec[j] == childFirstVec)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tVector: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (spr.getChildAt(j) == childFirstSpr)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tSprite: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (mov.getChildAt(j) == childFirstMov)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tMovieClip: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (qsaChildren[j] == childFirstQSA)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tQuickSpriteArray: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (qsvChildren[j] == childFirstQSV)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tQuickSpriteVector: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			log("Search (worst case)");
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (arr[j] == childNotInList)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tArray: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (vec[j] == childNotInList)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tVector: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (spr.getChildAt(j) == childNotInList)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tSprite: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (mov.getChildAt(j) == childNotInList)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tMovieClip: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (qsaChildren[j] == childNotInList)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tQuickSpriteArray: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j)
					if (qsvChildren[j] == childNotInList)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			log("\tQuickSpriteVector: " + (afterTime-beforeTime));
import flash.display.*;
class QuickSpriteVector extends Sprite
	public var children:Vector.<DisplayObject> = new Vector.<DisplayObject>();
	override public function addChild(child:DisplayObject): DisplayObject
		if (this.children.indexOf(child) < 0)
		return child;
	// TODO: Implement addChildAt, removeChild, removeChildAt, setChildIndex,
	//       swapChildren, and swapChildrenAt
class QuickSpriteArray extends Sprite
	public var children:Array = [];
	override public function addChild(child:DisplayObject): DisplayObject
		if (this.children.indexOf(child) < 0)
		return child;
	// TODO: Implement addChildAt, removeChild, removeChildAt, setChildIndex,
	//       swapChildren, and swapChildrenAt

Most of this test is quite straightforward, but the QuickSpriteVector and QuickSpriteArray need a bit of explaining:

  • Both are incomplete, as evidenced by the “TODO” comment. addChild is sufficient for the performance test.
  • children is public, which allows outside objects to get and change it:
    • They can break this object’s internal state
    • Access (dot operator) is much faster than an interface function (e.g. getChildren)
    • Use (index operator) is much faster than interfaces like getChildAt function calls

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the performance results using Flash Player 10.1 on a 2.4 Ghz Intel Core i5 with Mac OS X:

Collection Index Search (best case) Search (worst case)
Array 9 20 2270
Vector 7 20 2070
Sprite 30 31 3139
MovieClip 30 32 3096
QuickSpriteArray 9 21 2255
QuickSpriteVector 7 19 2082

From the above, we can glean a few key findings:

  • QuickSpriteVector and QuickSpriteArray predictably perform as well as their Vector and Array counterparts since all operations on them are via cached local variable references to their children
  • Vector and Array are about 3x faster when indexing
  • Searching in the best case (first element) and worst case (element not found) is about 50% faster with Vector and Array
  • Vector edges out Array slightly, as seen in many other tests on this site

So if accessing the elements of your DisplayObjectContainers is a cause of slowness for you, consider using an approach like QuickSprite. You’ll get a 3x performance boost for indexing and a 50% performance boost for searching!