Now that we’ve seen how function pointers work and perform in Burst, let’s use them to build a higher-level feature: virtual functions!

Say we are making a game where players cast spells on each other. In this game, we have two spells: fireball and life steal. The fireball spell does damage to its target. The life steal spell does damage to its target and restores health to the caster. Both cost mana, which the player has in addition to health.

Now say we’d like to implement this with virtual functions. We’ll assume that the pros and cons of virtual functions has been weighed and the pros have won out. The virtual keyword is unavailable to us because it can only be added to class methods and classes aren’t allowed by Burst. C# simply won’t allow us to make a struct method virtual. The second issue is that C# doesn’t allow a struct to inherit from another struct. Without inheritance, virtual functions make no sense.

Now that Burst supports function pointers, we can work around both of these issues and essentially build our own virtual functions. First up, let’s build our own form of inheritance:

struct Spell
    public int ManaCost;
struct Fireball
    public Spell Base;
    public int Damage;
struct LifeSteal
    public Spell Base;
    public int Damage;
    public int Healing;

This isn’t inheritence as far as C# is concerned. The instanceof operator will always evaluate to false, casting isn’t supported, keywords like virtual and override will error, we can’t use the base keyword, access specifiers like override don’t apply, and so forth.

Instead, we have a “base class” in Spell that can be “derived” or “inherited” by Fireball and LifeSteal. Just like actual class inheritance, this means Fireball and LifeSteal have all the fields and methods that their base class has. This is because they both include a Spell as their first field. We can also perform upcasting. It just takes a little more work:

Fireball fireball = new Fireball();
// Upcast
ref Spell spell = ref fireball.Base;
// Access base class fields
spell.ManaCost = 1;

Our game also has the Player type:

struct Player
    public int Health;
    public int Mana;

We’re also going to need some utility functions. The reason for this will become clearer later on. First up, here’s a function to convert one type of ref variable to another:

static class CastUtil
    public static unsafe ref TDest RefToRef<TSrc, TDest>(in TSrc src)
        where TSrc : unmanaged
        where TDest : unmanaged
        fixed (TSrc* pSrc = &src)
            TDest* dest = (TDest*)pSrc;
            return ref *dest;

We can use it like this:

Quaternion q;
ref float4 f = ref CastUtil.RefToRef(q);
f.w = 123;
print(q.w); // 123

Next up, we have a non-generic version of FunctionPointer<T>. This is useful if we ever need an unmanaged version of the type.

public struct NonGenericFunctionPointer
    private readonly IntPtr ptr;
    public NonGenericFunctionPointer(IntPtr ptr)
        this.ptr = ptr;
    public FunctionPointer<T> Generic<T>()
        return new FunctionPointer<T>(ptr);

Finally, we need a way to compile to NonGenericFunctionPointer instead of FunctionPointer<T>. This does it with a little bit of reflection:

static class BurstCompilerUtil<T>
    where T : class
    private static readonly MethodInfo compileMethodInfo;
    static BurstCompilerUtil()
        foreach (var mi in typeof(BurstCompiler).GetMethods(
            | BindingFlags.Static
            | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
            if (mi.Name == "Compile")
                compileMethodInfo = mi.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(T));
    public static unsafe NonGenericFunctionPointer CompileFunctionPointer(T del)
        var obj = compileMethodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { del, true });
        var ptr = Pointer.Unbox(obj);
        var intPtr = new IntPtr(ptr);
        return new NonGenericFunctionPointer(intPtr);

Now we can proceed to write our spell-casting functions. First, let’s define a delegate type to serve as the T in FunctionPointer<T>:

delegate void CastFunction(
    ref Spell thiz,
    ref Player caster,
    ref Player target);

Now let’s fill in the base Spell type:

struct Spell
    public int ManaCost;
    public NonGenericFunctionPointer Cast;
    private static readonly NonGenericFunctionPointer SpellCast
        = BurstCompilerUtil<CastFunction>.CompileFunctionPointer(DoCast);
    public Spell(int manaCost)
        ManaCost = manaCost;
        Cast = SpellCast;
    private static void DoCast(
        ref Spell thiz,
        ref Player caster,
        ref Player target)
        BaseCast(ref thiz, ref caster, ref target);
    public static void BaseCast(
        ref Spell thiz,
        ref Player caster,
        ref Player target)
        caster.Mana -= thiz.ManaCost;

The BaseCast function here does the basic work of spell-casting: deduct the mana cost from the caster. DoCast is a non-[BurstCompile] wrapper to work around a limitation in Burst where [BurstCompile] functions can’t directly call each other. We compile DoCast into a NonGenericFunctionPointer with BurstCompilerUtil and store it statically to avoid re-compiling over and over. In the constructor, this static field is set to an instance field.

Now let’s define Fireball to “derive” from Spell:

struct Fireball
    public Spell Base;
    public int Damage;
    private static readonly NonGenericFunctionPointer FireballCast
        = BurstCompilerUtil<CastFunction>.CompileFunctionPointer(DoCast);
    public Fireball(int manaCost, int damage)
        Base = new Spell(manaCost) { Cast = FireballCast };
        Damage = damage;
    private static void DoCast(
        ref Spell thiz,
        ref Player caster,
        ref Player target)
        Spell.BaseCast(ref thiz, ref caster, ref target);
        ref var fireball = ref CastUtil.RefToRef<Spell, Fireball>(thiz);
        target.Health -= fireball.Damage;

The structure here is very similar. We have a static field to avoid re-compilation. We have a constructor that sets the instance field to that static field. In this case, Fireball overwrites what Spell set with its own function pointer.

Then we have a DoCast that does the work of casting. Here we have the equivalent of base.Cast call by starting with Spell.DoCast. Then we use CastUtil to convert the Spell paramter that is basically this to the type we know it really is: Fireball. With that type in place, we can access its Damage field to reduce the Health of the Player that was targeted. The lack of a public BaseCast essentially makes this a sealed class.

Finally, let’s implement LifeSteal:

struct LifeSteal
    public Spell Base;
    public int Damage;
    public int Healing;
    private static readonly NonGenericFunctionPointer LifeStealCast
        = BurstCompilerUtil<CastFunction>.CompileFunctionPointer(DoCast);
    public LifeSteal(int manaCost, int damage, int healing)
        Base = new Spell(manaCost) { Cast = LifeStealCast };
        Damage = damage;
        Healing = healing;
    private static void DoCast(
        ref Spell thiz,
        ref Player caster,
        ref Player target)
        Spell.BaseCast(ref thiz, ref caster, ref target);
        ref var lifeSteal = ref CastUtil.RefToRef<Spell, LifeSteal>(thiz);
        target.Health -= lifeSteal.Damage;
        caster.Health += lifeSteal.Healing;

This is nearly identical to Fireball, except that DoCast has different game logic because it also heals the caster.

Now that we have these “virtual” functions, let’s use them! Here’s a Burst-compiled job that casts a spell on many targets:

unsafe struct CastJob : IJob
    [NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public Spell* Spell;
    public NativeArray<Player> Caster;
    public NativeArray<Player> Targets;
    public void Execute()
        ref var spellRef = ref *Spell;
        var spell = spellRef.Cast.Generic<CastFunction>();
        var caster = Caster[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < Targets.Length; ++i)
            var target = Targets[i];
            spell.Invoke(ref spellRef, ref caster, ref target);
            Targets[i] = target;
        Caster[0] = caster;

We have a Spell* pointer for the spell to cast, the Caster in a single-element NativeArray<Player>, and the targets to cast the spell on. Execute converts the Spell* to a ref Spell then gets the NonGenericFunctionPointer field Cast and uses Generic to recover the strongly-typed FunctionPointer<CastFunction>. It then loops over the targets invoking that function pointer on them.

Digression: The Spell* is the reason we need NonGenericFunctionPointer and BurstCompilerUtil. We can’t take a pointer to a FunctionPointer<T> or any struct that contains one, including Spell. This is because C# considers the type to be “managed” due to being generic, regardless of its actual contents: a single IntPtr. By using NonGenericFunctionPointer instead, returned by BurstCompilerUtil, we have a non-generic struct that passes the C# check. We could convert FunctionPointer<T> to NonGenericFunctionPointer instead of using BurstCompilerUtil, but the IntPtr is private and the type is “managed” so there’s no way to get it too other than reflection.

Let’s finish things off with a script to test out this functionality:

class TestScript : MonoBehaviour
    static class Dummy
        public static void DoCast(
            ref Spell thiz,
            ref Player caster,
            ref Player target)
    public FunctionPointer<CastFunction> dummy;
    unsafe void Start()
        dummy = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer<CastFunction>(Dummy.DoCast);
        var caster = new NativeArray<Player>(1, Allocator.TempJob);
        caster[0] = new Player { Health = 100, Mana = 10 };
        var targets = new NativeArray<Player>(1, Allocator.TempJob);
        targets[0] = new Player { Health = 100, Mana = 10 };
        void printState(string label)
                $"{label}:n" +
                $"Caster: Health={caster[0].Health}, Mana={caster[0].Mana}n" +
                $"Target: Health={targets[0].Health}, Mana={targets[0].Mana}");
        var fb = new Fireball(manaCost:1, damage:10);
        var job = new CastJob
            Spell = &fb.Base,
            Caster = caster,
            Targets = targets
        printState("After fireball");
        var ls = new LifeSteal(manaCost:1, damage:5, healing:5);
        job.Spell = &ls.Base;
        printState("After life steal");

Note that the dummy parts are only there to prevent BurstCompiler being stripped from builds because we’re only using it via reflection.

All we’re doing here is making one player cast a fireball spell then a life steal spell at a target player and printing out their stats each time. Here’s what we see:

Caster: Health=100, Mana=10
Target: Health=100, Mana=10
After fireball:
Caster: Health=100, Mana=9
Target: Health=90, Mana=10
After life steal:
Caster: Health=105, Mana=8
Target: Health=85, Mana=10

It works! But let’s confirm by digging a little deeper into the Burst Inspector to make sure it’s doing what we expect: (annotations by Jackson)

; Spell.DoCast
        mov        eax, dword ptr [rdi]
        sub        dword ptr [rsi + 4], eax      ; Deduct mana
; Fireball.DoCast
        mov        eax, dword ptr [rdi]
        sub        dword ptr [rsi + 4], eax      ; Deduct mana
        mov        eax, dword ptr [rdi + 16]
        sub        dword ptr [rdx], eax          ; Apply damage
; LifeSteal.DoCast
        mov        eax, dword ptr [rdi]
        sub        dword ptr [rsi + 4], eax      ; Deduct mana
        mov        eax, dword ptr [rdi + 16]
        sub        dword ptr [rdx], eax          ; Apply damage
        mov        eax, dword ptr [rdi + 20]
        add        dword ptr [rsi], eax          ; Restore health
; CastJob.Execute
        push        rbp
        push        r15
        push        r14
        push        r13
        push        r12
        push        rbx
        sub        rsp, 24
        mov        r14, qword ptr [rdi]
        mov        rax, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
        mov        r13, qword ptr [r14 + 8]
        mov        ecx, dword ptr [rax]
        mov        edx, dword ptr [rax + 4]
        mov        dword ptr [rsp + 8], ecx
        mov        dword ptr [rsp + 12], edx
        cmp        dword ptr [rdi + 72], 0
        jle        .LBB0_4
        mov        rbx, rdi
        xor        ebp, ebp
        lea        r15, [rsp + 8]
        lea        r12, [rsp + 16]
        mov        rax, qword ptr [rbx + 64]
        mov        rax, qword ptr [rax + 8*rbp]
        mov        qword ptr [rsp + 16], rax
        mov        rdi, r14
        mov        rsi, r15
        mov        rdx, r12
        call        r13                          ; Call "virtual" function
        mov        rax, qword ptr [rsp + 16]
        mov        rcx, qword ptr [rbx + 64]
        mov        qword ptr [rcx + 8*rbp], rax
        inc        rbp
        movsxd        rax, dword ptr [rbx + 72]
        cmp        rbp, rax
        jl        .LBB0_2
        mov        ecx, dword ptr [rsp + 8]
        mov        edx, dword ptr [rsp + 12]
        mov        rax, qword ptr [rbx + 8]
        mov        dword ptr [rax], ecx
        mov        dword ptr [rax + 4], edx
        add        rsp, 24
        pop        rbx
        pop        r12
        pop        r13
        pop        r14
        pop        r15
        pop        rbp

The job is a bit long, but we can see it calling the “virtual” function. The others are really short and look pretty close to their C# counterparts, except that the Spell.BaseCast call has been inlined.

There’s one important thing to remember with this technique: any base class pointers like Spell* passed to jobs need to remain valid until the job completes. For example, if the pointer is to a local variable as in the example but the job completes after the function returns then the job will be accessing stack memory that may have been overwritten by future function calls. The result may will be a crash or data corruption. Be careful!