Which JSON library creates the most garbage? That’s a common question I get in response to my JSON articles. Today’s article finds out the answer!

As with last week’s article, today’s contenders are:

They’ll all be serializing and deserializing these types:

public class SaveGame
	public string Name;
	public int HighScore;
	public List<InventoryItem> Inventory;
public class InventoryItem
	public int Id;
	public int Quantity;

And today we’ll run them all in the Unity editor’s profiler in “deep” mode using the following script:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using LitJson;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using FullSerializer;
public class SaveGame
	public string Name;
	public int HighScore;
	public List<InventoryItem> Inventory;
public class InventoryItem
	public int Id;
	public int Quantity;
class TestScript : MonoBehaviour
	void Start()
		var saveGame = new SaveGame
				Name = "Speed Run",
				HighScore = 10000,
				Inventory = new List<InventoryItem> {
					new InventoryItem {
						Id = 100,
						Quantity = 5
					new InventoryItem {
						Id = 200,
						Quantity = 20
		// Warm up reflection
		var fsSerializer = new fsSerializer();
		fsData fsData;
		fsSerializer.TrySerialize(saveGame, out fsData);
		var tempSaveGame = new SaveGame();
		TestGarbage(saveGame, tempSaveGame, fsSerializer);
	void TestGarbage(SaveGame saveGame, SaveGame tempSaveGame, fsSerializer fsSerializer)
		var json = TestUnitySerialize(saveGame);
		json = TestLitJsonSerialize(saveGame);
		json = TestJsonDotNetSerialize(saveGame);
		json = TestFullSerializerSerialize(saveGame, fsSerializer);
		TestFullSerializerDeserialize(json, fsSerializer, tempSaveGame);
	string TestUnitySerialize(SaveGame saveGame)
		return JsonUtility.ToJson(saveGame);
	SaveGame TestUnityDeserialize(string json)
		return JsonUtility.FromJson<SaveGame>(json);
	string TestLitJsonSerialize(SaveGame saveGame)
		return JsonMapper.ToJson(saveGame);
	SaveGame TestLitJsonDeserialize(string json)
		return JsonMapper.ToObject<SaveGame>(json);
	string TestJsonDotNetSerialize(SaveGame saveGame)
		return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(saveGame);
	SaveGame TestJsonDotNetDeserialize(string json)
		return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SaveGame>(json);
	string TestFullSerializerSerialize(SaveGame saveGame, fsSerializer serializer)
		fsData fsData;
		serializer.TrySerialize(saveGame, out fsData);
		return fsJsonPrinter.CompressedJson(fsData);
	SaveGame TestFullSerializerDeserialize(string json, fsSerializer serializer, SaveGame saveGame)
		var fsData = fsJsonParser.Parse(json);
		serializer.TryDeserialize<SaveGame>(fsData, ref saveGame);
		return saveGame;

If you want to try out the test yourself, simply paste the above code into a TestScript.cs file in your Unity project’s Assets directory and attach it to the main camera game object in a new, empty project.

I did this and got the following results. The important column here is labeled “GC Alloc”:

JSON Library Garbage Creation

Here’s the same data in table form with KB columns approximated in bytes.

Library Serialization Garbage Deserialization Garbage
Unity 260 244
LitJSON 819.2 15155.2
Json.NET 1843.2 11161.6
FullSerializer 4505.6 34816

And here’s that table graphed:

JSON Library Garbage Creation Graph

It’s clear that Unity’s JSONUtility class produces far less garbage than any other JSON library. It’s 4x less than second place LitJSON at serialization and 17x less than last place FullSerializer. Likewise for deserialization, it’s 45x less than second place Json.NET and a whopping 142x less than last place FullSerializer.

That establishes a clear order when it comes to garbage: Unity is best and FullSerializer is worst. LitJSON and Json.NET are in the middle with Json.NET having a little less total garbage creation.

So just as with serialization and deserialization speed, Unity’s JsonUtility wins again on the garbage creation front. Even in a more detailed breakdown using Unity 5.3, JsonUtility was the clear performance winner. So from that perspective it’s a natural choice.

Would you always choose JsonUtility or do you have another preferred JSON library? What keeps you from using JsonUtility? Let me know in the comments!