Enumerables Without the Garbage: Part 6
We’re nearing the end of the series to build a no-garbage replacement for System.Linq
. Today we tackle functions that work on already-sorted ranges and functions that work on ranges that are in heap order. These include common set operations like “union” and “intersection”. Read on to see how to use them and for the updated library that you can use to eliminate your garbage creation!
The first functions for today are those that work on ranges that are already sorted. Again, these come to us as direct ports from C++’s <algorithm> header.
: merge two sorted rangesInplaceMerge
: merge consecutive sorted rangesIncludes
: check if a range includes another rangeSetUnion
: get the values in both rangesSetIntersection
: get the values that are in both rangesSetDifference
: get the values that are in just the first rangeSetSymmetricDifference
: get the values that are in just one of the ranges
There are also functions that work on ranges that are in heap order:
: add a value to the heapPopHeap
: remove a value from the heapMakeHeap
: rearrange a range so that it’s in heap orderSortHeap
: sort a rangeIsHeap
: check if a range is in heap orderIsHeapUntil
: get an iterator where the range stops being in heap order
Building again on the test app from the previous articles in this series, I’ve added tests for each of the above functions to show you how to use them and that they work. You can also consult the thorough C++ documentation since these are direct ports from there. The test app also has a GcTest
function to show that no garbage is created by any of these functions.
using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour { private static readonly System.Random random = new System.Random(); private static readonly int[] defaultArr = { 1, 2, 2, 3 }; private static readonly int[] arr = defaultArr.ToArray(); private static readonly int[] arr2 = new int[arr.Length]; private static readonly int[] arr3 = new int[arr.Length]; private static readonly int[] arrLong = new int[arr.Length*2]; private static readonly Func<int, int, bool> AreIntsEqual = (a, b) => a == b; private static readonly Func<int, bool> IsIntEven = i => i % 2 == 0; private static readonly Func<int, bool> IsIntEqualTo2 = i => i == 2; private static readonly Func<int, bool> IsIntLessThanOrEqualTo2 = i => i <= 2; private static readonly Func<int, bool> IsIntGreaterThan0 = i => i > 0; private static readonly Func<int, bool> IsIntGreaterThan10 = i => i > 10; private static readonly Func<int, int> DoubleInt = i => i * 2; private static readonly Func<int, int, int> MultiplyInts = (a, b) => a * b; private static readonly Func<int, int, bool> IsIntGreaterThanInt = (a, b) => a > b; private static readonly Func<int, int, bool> IsIntLessThanInt = (a, b) => a < b; private static readonly Action<int> NoOp = i => { }; private static readonly Func<int, int> RandomIntLessThan = max => random.Next(max); private static int[] OneThreeThreeFour = { 1, 3, 3, 4 }; private static int[] OneThreeTwoFour = { 1, 3, 2, 4 }; private static int[] ThreeThreeOneTwo = { 3, 3, 1, 2 }; private static int[] ThreeTwoOneTwo = { 3, 2, 1, 2 }; private static int[] TwoThree = { 2, 3 }; private static int[] FourTwoThreeOne = { 4, 2, 3, 1 }; private static int[] OneTwoThreeFour = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; void Start() { GcTest(); Debug.Log(Test()); } string Test() { var log = ""; Action<string> Log = msg => log += msg + "\n"; Func<int[], string> ArrayToString = a => "[" + string.Join( ", ", a.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray() ) + "]"; Action ResetArrays = () => { for (var i = 0; i < arr.Length; ++i) { arr[i] = defaultArr[i]; } for (var i = 0; i < arr2.Length; ++i) { arr2[i] = 0; } for (var i = 0; i < arr3.Length; ++i) { arr3[i] = 0; } for (var i = 0; i < arrLong.Length; ++i) { arrLong[i] = 0; } }; // GetAdvanced Log("advance 1 from begin: " + arr.Begin().GetAdvanced(1).GetCurrent()); // Distance Log("distance from first to last: " + arr.Begin().Distance(arr.End())); // AllOf Log("all even?: " + arr.Begin().AllOf(arr.End(), IsIntEven)); Log("all positive?: " + arr.Begin().AllOf(arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThan0)); // AnyOf Log("any > 10?: " + arr.Begin().AnyOf(arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThan10)); Log("any == 2?: " + arr.Begin().AnyOf(arr.End(), IsIntEqualTo2)); // NoneOf Log("none == 2?: " + arr.Begin().NoneOf(arr.End(), IsIntEqualTo2)); Log("none > 10?: " + arr.Begin().NoneOf(arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThan10)); // ForEach log += "foreach: "; arr.Begin().ForEach(arr.End(), i => log += i + " "); log += "\n"; // Find Log("find 2 at index: " + arr.Begin().Find(arr.End(), 2, AreIntsEqual).Index); // FindIf Log("first even at index: " + arr.Begin().FindIf(arr.End(), IsIntEven).Index); // FindIfNot Log("first not even at index: " + arr.Begin().FindIfNot(arr.End(), IsIntEven).Index); // FindEnd Log( "end of [2,3] at index: " + arr.Begin().FindEnd( arr.End(), arr.IteratorAt(1), arr.IteratorAt(2), AreIntsEqual ).Index ); // FindFirstOf Log( "first of [2,3] at index: " + arr.Begin().FindFirstOf( arr.End(), arr.IteratorAt(1), arr.IteratorAt(2), AreIntsEqual ).Index ); // AdjacentFind Log("adjacents at index: " + arr.Begin().AdjacentFind(arr.End(), AreIntsEqual).Index); // Count Log("count 2s: " + arr.Begin().Count(arr.End(), 2, AreIntsEqual)); // CountIf Log("count evens: " + arr.Begin().CountIf(arr.End(), IsIntEven)); // Mismatch ArrayIterator<int> mm1; ArrayIterator<int> mm2; arr.Begin().Mismatch( arr.End(), new[] { 1, 3, 3, 4 }.Begin(), AreIntsEqual, out mm1, out mm2 ); Log("mismatch with [1, 3, 3, 4] at: " + mm1.GetCurrent() + ", " + mm2.GetCurrent()); // Equal Log( "equal [1, 3, 2, 3]? " + arr.Begin().Equal(arr.End(), new[] { 1, 3, 2, 3 }.Begin(), AreIntsEqual) ); Log( "equal [1, 2, 2, 3]? " + arr.Begin().Equal(arr.End(), new[] { 1, 2, 2, 3 }.Begin(), AreIntsEqual) ); // IsPermutation Log( "is permutation of [3, 3, 1, 2]? " + arr.Begin().IsPermutation(arr.End(), new[] { 3, 3, 1, 2 }.Begin(), AreIntsEqual) ); Log( "is permutation of [3, 2, 1, 2]? " + arr.Begin().IsPermutation(arr.End(), new[] { 3, 2, 1, 2 }.Begin(), AreIntsEqual) ); // Search var sub = new[] { 2, 3 }; Log( "search found [2, 3] at index: " + arr.Begin().Search(arr.End(), sub.Begin(), sub.End(), AreIntsEqual).Index ); // SearchN Log( "search 2 2s found at index: " + arr.Begin().SearchN(arr.End(), 2, 2, AreIntsEqual).Index ); // Copy ResetArrays(); Log( "copy first two returns iterator at index " + arr.Begin().Copy(arr.IteratorAt(2), arr2.Begin()).Index + ", arr2 now: " + ArrayToString(arr2) ); // CopyN ResetArrays(); Log( "copyN first three returns iterator at index " + arr.Begin().CopyN(3, arr2.Begin()).Index + ", arr2 now: " + ArrayToString(arr2) ); // CopyIf ResetArrays(); Log( "copy evens returns iterator at index " + arr.Begin().CopyIf(arr.End(), arr2.Begin(), IsIntEven).Index + ", arr2 now: " + ArrayToString(arr2) ); // CopyBackward ResetArrays(); Log( "copy backward middle two returns iterator at index " + arr.IteratorAt(1).CopyBackward(arr.IteratorAt(3), arr2.End()).Index + ", arr2 now: " + ArrayToString(arr2) ); // SwapRanges ResetArrays(); Log( "swap middle two returns iterator at index " + arr.IteratorAt(1).SwapRanges(arr.IteratorAt(3), arr2.IteratorAt(1)).Index + ", arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr) + ", arr2 now: " + ArrayToString(arr2) ); // Swap ResetArrays(); var itA = arr.IteratorAt(0); var itB = arr.IteratorAt(1); itA.Swap(itB); Log("swap iterator at index 0 with iterator at index 1, arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr)); // Transform ResetArrays(); Log( "transform by doubling returns index " + arr.Begin().Transform(arr.End(), arr.Begin(), DoubleInt).Index + ", arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr) ); // Transform ResetArrays(); Log( "transform by multiplying with self returns index " + arr.Begin().Transform(arr.End(), arr.Begin(), arr.Begin(), MultiplyInts).Index + ", arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr) ); // ReplaceIf ResetArrays(); arr.Begin().ReplaceIf(arr.End(), IsIntEqualTo2, 20); Log("replace 2 with 20 " + ArrayToString(arr)); // ReplaceCopyIf ResetArrays(); Log( "replace evens with 200 returns iterator at index " + arr.Begin().ReplaceCopyIf(arr.End(), arr.Begin(), IsIntEven, 200).Index + ", arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr) ); // Unique ResetArrays(); Log( "unique returns index " + arr.Begin().Unique(arr.End(), AreIntsEqual).Index + ", arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr) ); // UniqueCopy ResetArrays(); Log( "unique copy returns index " + arr.Begin().UniqueCopy(arr.End(), arr2.Begin(), AreIntsEqual).Index + ", arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr) + ", arr2 now: " + ArrayToString(arr2) ); // Reverse ResetArrays(); arr.Begin().Reverse(arr.End()); Log("reverse: " + ArrayToString(arr)); // ReverseCopy ResetArrays(); Log( "reverse copy returns index: " + arr.Begin().ReverseCopy(arr.End(), arr2.Begin()).Index + ", arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr) + ", arr2 now: " + ArrayToString(arr2) ); // Rotate ResetArrays(); arr.Begin().Rotate(arr.IteratorAt(2), arr.End()); Log("rotate around second 2, arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr)); // RotateCopy ResetArrays(); Log( "rotate copy around second 2 returns index: " + arr.Begin().RotateCopy(arr.IteratorAt(2), arr.End(), arr2.Begin()).Index + ", arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr) + ", arr2 now: " + ArrayToString(arr2) ); // RandomShuffle ResetArrays(); arr.Begin().RandomShuffle(arr.End(), RandomIntLessThan); arr.Begin().Copy(arr.End(), arr2.Begin()); arr2.Begin().RandomShuffle(arr2.End(), RandomIntLessThan); Log("some random shuffles: " + ArrayToString(arr) + ", " + ArrayToString(arr2)); // IsPartitioned ResetArrays(); Log( "arr is partitioned by odd/even? " + arr.Begin().IsPartitioned(arr.End(), IsIntEven) + ", by <= 2? " + arr.Begin().IsPartitioned(arr.End(), IsIntLessThanOrEqualTo2) ); // Partition ResetArrays(); Log( "partition by odd/even returns index: " + arr.Begin().Partition(arr.End(), IsIntEven).Index + ", arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr) ); // PartitionCopy ResetArrays(); ArrayIterator<int> outResultTrue; ArrayIterator<int> outResultFalse; arr.Begin().PartitionCopy( arr.End(), arr2.Begin(), arr3.Begin(), IsIntEven, out outResultTrue, out outResultFalse ); Log( "partition copy by odd/even returns indexes: " + outResultTrue.Index + ", " + outResultFalse.Index + ", arr now: " + ArrayToString(arr) + ", arr2 now: " + ArrayToString(arr2) + ", arr3 now: " + ArrayToString(arr3) ); // PartitionPoint ResetArrays(); Log( "partition point for <= 2 returns index: " + arr.Begin().PartitionPoint(arr.End(), IsIntLessThanOrEqualTo2).Index ); // Sort ResetArrays(); arr.Begin().Sort(arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThanInt); Log("sorted backwards: " + ArrayToString(arr)); // StableSort ResetArrays(); arr.Begin().StableSort(arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThanInt); Log("stable sorted backwards: " + ArrayToString(arr)); // PartialSort ResetArrays(); arr.Begin().PartialSort(arr.IteratorAt(2), arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThanInt); Log("partial sorted backwards up to index 2: " + ArrayToString(arr)); // IsSorted ResetArrays(); Log("is array sorted: " + arr.Begin().IsSorted(arr.End(), IsIntLessThanInt)); // IsSorted ResetArrays(); Log( ArrayToString(OneThreeTwoFour) + " is sorted until: " + OneThreeTwoFour.Begin().IsSortedUntil(OneThreeTwoFour.End(), IsIntLessThanInt).Index ); // NthElement ResetArrays(); OneThreeTwoFour.Begin().Copy(OneThreeTwoFour.End(), arr.Begin()); arr.Begin().NthElement(arr.IteratorAt(2), arr.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); Log( "NthElement 2 on " + ArrayToString(OneThreeTwoFour) + ": " + ArrayToString(arr) ); // LowerBound ResetArrays(); Log( "lower bound of 2 at index: " + arr.Begin().LowerBound(arr.End(), 2, IsIntLessThanInt).Index ); // UpperBound ResetArrays(); Log( "upper bound of 2 at index: " + arr.Begin().UpperBound(arr.End(), 2, IsIntLessThanInt).Index ); // EqualRange ResetArrays(); ArrayIterator<int> equalRangeLower; ArrayIterator<int> equalRangeUpper; arr.Begin().EqualRange( arr.End(), 2, IsIntLessThanInt, out equalRangeLower, out equalRangeUpper ); Log( "equal range of 2 from index " + equalRangeLower.Index + " to " + equalRangeUpper.Index ); // BinarySearch ResetArrays(); Log("binary search finds 2? " + arr.Begin().BinarySearch(arr.End(), 2, IsIntLessThanInt)); Log("binary search finds 9? " + arr.Begin().BinarySearch(arr.End(), 9, IsIntLessThanInt)); // Merge ResetArrays(); Log( ArrayToString(arr) + " merged with " + ArrayToString(OneThreeThreeFour) + " returns " + arr.Begin().Merge( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), OneThreeThreeFour.End(), arrLong.Begin(), IsIntLessThanInt ).Index + " result: " + ArrayToString(arrLong) ); // InplaceMerge ResetArrays(); var copyResult = arr.Begin().Copy(arr.End(), arrLong.Begin()); OneThreeThreeFour.Begin().Copy(OneThreeThreeFour.End(), copyResult); var inplaceMergeMsg = ArrayToString(arrLong) + " in-place merged: "; arrLong.Begin().InplaceMerge(copyResult, arrLong.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); Log(inplaceMergeMsg + ArrayToString(arrLong)); // Includes ResetArrays(); Log( ArrayToString(arr) + " includes " + ArrayToString(TwoThree) + "? " + arr.Begin().Includes(arr.End(), TwoThree.Begin(), TwoThree.End(), IsIntLessThanInt) ); // SetUnion ResetArrays(); Log( "union of " + ArrayToString(arr) + " and " + ArrayToString(OneThreeThreeFour) + " returns index " + arr.Begin().SetUnion( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), OneThreeThreeFour.End(), arrLong.Begin(), IsIntLessThanInt ).Index + " result: " + ArrayToString(arrLong) ); // SetUnion ResetArrays(); Log( "intersection of " + ArrayToString(arr) + " and " + ArrayToString(OneThreeThreeFour) + " returns index " + arr.Begin().SetIntersection( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), OneThreeThreeFour.End(), arrLong.Begin(), IsIntLessThanInt ).Index + " result: " + ArrayToString(arrLong) ); // SetDifference ResetArrays(); Log( "difference of " + ArrayToString(arr) + " and " + ArrayToString(OneThreeThreeFour) + " returns index " + arr.Begin().SetDifference( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), OneThreeThreeFour.End(), arrLong.Begin(), IsIntLessThanInt ).Index + " result: " + ArrayToString(arrLong) ); // SetSymmetricDifference ResetArrays(); Log( "symmetric difference of " + ArrayToString(arr) + " and " + ArrayToString(OneThreeThreeFour) + " returns index " + arr.Begin().SetSymmetricDifference( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), OneThreeThreeFour.End(), arrLong.Begin(), IsIntLessThanInt ).Index + " result: " + ArrayToString(arrLong) ); // PushHeap ResetArrays(); var pushHeapIt = FourTwoThreeOne.Begin().Copy(FourTwoThreeOne.End(), arrLong.Begin()); pushHeapIt.SetCurrent(5); pushHeapIt = pushHeapIt.GetNext(); var pushHeapMsg = "push heap of " + ArrayToString(arrLong); arrLong.Begin().PushHeap(pushHeapIt, IsIntLessThanInt); Log(pushHeapMsg + ": " + ArrayToString(arrLong)); // PopHeap ResetArrays(); FourTwoThreeOne.Begin().Copy(FourTwoThreeOne.End(), arr2.Begin()); var popHeapMsg = "pop heap of " + ArrayToString(arr2); arr2.Begin().PopHeap(arr2.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); Log(popHeapMsg + ": " + ArrayToString(arr2)); // MakeHeap ResetArrays(); OneTwoThreeFour.Begin().Copy(OneTwoThreeFour.End(), arr2.Begin()); var makeHeapMsg = "make heap of " + ArrayToString(arr2); arr2.Begin().MakeHeap(arr2.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); Log(makeHeapMsg + ": " + ArrayToString(arr2)); // SortHeap ResetArrays(); FourTwoThreeOne.Begin().Copy(FourTwoThreeOne.End(), arr2.Begin()); var sortHeapMsg = "sort heap of " + ArrayToString(arr2); arr2.Begin().SortHeap(arr2.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); Log(sortHeapMsg + ": " + ArrayToString(arr2)); // IsHeap ResetArrays(); Log( ArrayToString(FourTwoThreeOne) + " is heap? " + FourTwoThreeOne.Begin().IsHeap(FourTwoThreeOne.End(), IsIntLessThanInt) ); // IsHeapUntil ResetArrays(); Log( ArrayToString(FourTwoThreeOne) + " is heap until " + FourTwoThreeOne.Begin().IsHeapUntil(FourTwoThreeOne.End(), IsIntLessThanInt).Index ); return log; } void GcTest() { arr.Begin().GetAdvanced(1).GetCurrent(); arr.Begin().Distance(arr.End()); arr.Begin().AllOf(arr.End(), IsIntEven); arr.Begin().AllOf(arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThan0); arr.Begin().AnyOf(arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThan10); arr.Begin().AnyOf(arr.End(), IsIntEqualTo2); arr.Begin().NoneOf(arr.End(), IsIntEqualTo2); arr.Begin().NoneOf(arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThan10); arr.Begin().ForEach(arr.End(), NoOp); arr.Begin().Find(arr.End(), 2, AreIntsEqual); arr.Begin().FindIf(arr.End(), IsIntEven); arr.Begin().FindIfNot(arr.End(), IsIntEven); arr.Begin().FindEnd( arr.End(), arr.IteratorAt(1), arr.IteratorAt(2), AreIntsEqual ); arr.Begin().FindFirstOf( arr.End(), arr.IteratorAt(1), arr.IteratorAt(2), AreIntsEqual ); arr.Begin().AdjacentFind(arr.End(), AreIntsEqual); arr.Begin().Count(arr.End(), 2, AreIntsEqual); arr.Begin().CountIf(arr.End(), IsIntEven); ArrayIterator<int> mm1; ArrayIterator<int> mm2; arr.Begin().Mismatch( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), AreIntsEqual, out mm1, out mm2 ); arr.Begin().IsPermutation(arr.End(), ThreeThreeOneTwo.Begin(), AreIntsEqual); arr.Begin().IsPermutation(arr.End(), ThreeTwoOneTwo.Begin(), AreIntsEqual); arr.Begin().Search(arr.End(), TwoThree.Begin(), TwoThree.End(), AreIntsEqual); arr.Begin().SearchN(arr.End(), 2, 2, AreIntsEqual); arr.Begin().Copy(arr.IteratorAt(2), arr2.Begin()); arr.Begin().CopyN(3, arr2.Begin()); arr.Begin().CopyIf(arr.End(), arr2.Begin(), IsIntEven); arr.IteratorAt(1).CopyBackward(arr.IteratorAt(3), arr2.End()); arr.IteratorAt(1).SwapRanges(arr.IteratorAt(3), arr2.IteratorAt(1)); var itA = arr.IteratorAt(0); var itB = arr.IteratorAt(1); itA.Swap(itB); arr.Begin().Transform(arr.End(), arr.Begin(), DoubleInt); arr.Begin().Transform(arr.End(), arr.Begin(), arr.Begin(), MultiplyInts); arr.Begin().ReplaceIf(arr.End(), IsIntEqualTo2, 20); arr.Begin().ReplaceCopyIf(arr.End(), arr.Begin(), IsIntEven, 200); arr.Begin().Unique(arr.End(), AreIntsEqual); arr.Begin().UniqueCopy(arr.End(), arr2.Begin(), AreIntsEqual); arr.Begin().Reverse(arr.End()); arr.Begin().ReverseCopy(arr.End(), arr2.Begin()); arr.Begin().Rotate(arr.IteratorAt(2), arr.End()); arr.Begin().RotateCopy(arr.IteratorAt(2), arr.End(), arr2.Begin()); arr.Begin().RandomShuffle(arr.End(), RandomIntLessThan); arr.Begin().Copy(arr.End(), arr2.Begin()); arr2.Begin().RandomShuffle(arr2.End(), RandomIntLessThan); arr.Begin().IsPartitioned(arr.End(), IsIntEven); arr.Begin().IsPartitioned(arr.End(), IsIntLessThanOrEqualTo2); arr.Begin().Partition(arr.End(), IsIntEven); ArrayIterator<int> outResultTrue; ArrayIterator<int> outResultFalse; arr.Begin().PartitionCopy( arr.End(), arr2.Begin(), arr3.Begin(), IsIntEven, out outResultTrue, out outResultFalse ); arr.Begin().PartitionPoint(arr.End(), IsIntLessThanOrEqualTo2); arr.Begin().Sort(arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThanInt); arr.Begin().StableSort(arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThanInt); arr.Begin().PartialSort(arr.IteratorAt(2), arr.End(), IsIntGreaterThanInt); arr.Begin().IsSorted(arr.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); OneThreeTwoFour.Begin().IsSortedUntil(OneThreeTwoFour.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); OneThreeTwoFour.Begin().Copy(OneThreeTwoFour.End(), arr.Begin()); arr.Begin().NthElement(arr.IteratorAt(2), arr.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); arr.Begin().LowerBound(arr.End(), 2, IsIntLessThanInt); arr.Begin().UpperBound(arr.End(), 2, IsIntLessThanInt); ArrayIterator<int> equalRangeLower; ArrayIterator<int> equalRangeUpper; arr.Begin().EqualRange( arr.End(), 2, IsIntLessThanInt, out equalRangeLower, out equalRangeUpper ); arr.Begin().BinarySearch(arr.End(), 2, IsIntLessThanInt); arr.Begin().BinarySearch(arr.End(), 9, IsIntLessThanInt); arr.Begin().Merge( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), OneThreeThreeFour.End(), arrLong.Begin(), IsIntLessThanInt ); var copyResult = arr.Begin().Copy(arr.End(), arrLong.Begin()); OneThreeThreeFour.Begin().Copy(OneThreeThreeFour.End(), copyResult); arrLong.Begin().InplaceMerge(copyResult, arrLong.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); arr.Begin().Includes(arr.End(), TwoThree.Begin(), TwoThree.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); arr.Begin().SetUnion( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), OneThreeThreeFour.End(), arrLong.Begin(), IsIntLessThanInt ); arr.Begin().SetIntersection( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), OneThreeThreeFour.End(), arrLong.Begin(), IsIntLessThanInt ); arr.Begin().SetDifference( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), OneThreeThreeFour.End(), arrLong.Begin(), IsIntLessThanInt ); arr.Begin().SetSymmetricDifference( arr.End(), OneThreeThreeFour.Begin(), OneThreeThreeFour.End(), arrLong.Begin(), IsIntLessThanInt ); var pushHeapIt = FourTwoThreeOne.Begin().Copy(FourTwoThreeOne.End(), arrLong.Begin()); pushHeapIt.SetCurrent(5); pushHeapIt = pushHeapIt.GetNext(); arrLong.Begin().PushHeap(pushHeapIt, IsIntLessThanInt); FourTwoThreeOne.Begin().Copy(FourTwoThreeOne.End(), arr2.Begin()); arr2.Begin().PopHeap(arr2.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); OneTwoThreeFour.Begin().Copy(OneTwoThreeFour.End(), arr2.Begin()); arr2.Begin().MakeHeap(arr2.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); FourTwoThreeOne.Begin().Copy(FourTwoThreeOne.End(), arr2.Begin()); arr2.Begin().SortHeap(arr2.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); FourTwoThreeOne.Begin().IsHeap(FourTwoThreeOne.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); FourTwoThreeOne.Begin().IsHeapUntil(FourTwoThreeOne.End(), IsIntLessThanInt); } }
Here’s the output of the test app:
advance 1 from begin: 2 distance from first to last: 4 all even?: False all positive?: True any > 10?: False any == 2?: True none == 2?: False none > 10?: True foreach: 1 2 3 4 find 2 at index: 1 first even at index: 1 first not even at index: 0 end of [2,3] at index: 1 first of [2,3] at index: 1 adjacents at index: 4 count 2s: 1 count evens: 2 mismatch with [1, 3, 3, 4] at: 2, 3 equal [1, 3, 2, 3]? False equal [1, 2, 2, 3]? False is permutation of [3, 3, 1, 2]? False is permutation of [3, 2, 1, 2]? False search found [2, 3] at index: 1 search 2 2s found at index: 4 copy first two returns iterator at index 2, arr2 now: [1, 2, 0, 0] copyN first three returns iterator at index 3, arr2 now: [1, 2, 2, 0] copy evens returns iterator at index 2, arr2 now: [2, 2, 0, 0] copy backward middle two returns iterator at index 2, arr2 now: [0, 0, 2, 2] swap middle two returns iterator at index 3, arr now: [1, 0, 0, 3], arr2 now: [0, 2, 2, 0] swap iterator at index 0 with iterator at index 1, arr now: [2, 1, 2, 3] transform by doubling returns index 4, arr now: [2, 4, 4, 6] transform by multiplying with self returns index 4, arr now: [1, 4, 4, 9] replace 2 with 20 [1, 20, 20, 3] replace evens with 200 returns iterator at index 4, arr now: [1, 200, 200, 3] unique returns index 3, arr now: [1, 2, 3, 3] unique copy returns index 3, arr now: [1, 2, 2, 3], arr2 now: [1, 2, 3, 0] reverse: [3, 2, 2, 1] reverse copy returns index: 4, arr now: [1, 2, 2, 3], arr2 now: [3, 2, 2, 1] rotate around second 2, arr now: [2, 3, 1, 2] rotate copy around second 2 returns index: 4, arr now: [1, 2, 2, 3], arr2 now: [2, 3, 1, 2] some random shuffles: [2, 1, 2, 3], [3, 1, 2, 2] arr is partitioned by odd/even? False, by <= 2? True partition by odd/even returns index: 2, arr now: [2, 2, 1, 3] partition copy by odd/even returns indexes: 2, 2, arr now: [1, 2, 2, 3], arr2 now: [2, 2, 0, 0], arr3 now: [1, 3, 0, 0] partition point for <= 2 returns index: 2 sorted backwards: [3, 2, 2, 1] stable sorted backwards: [3, 2, 2, 1] partial sorted backwards up to index 2: [3, 2, 2, 1] is array sorted: True [1, 3, 2, 4] is sorted until: 2 NthElement 2 on [1, 3, 2, 4]: [1, 2, 3, 4] lower bound of 2 at index: 1 upper bound of 2 at index: 3 equal range of 2 from index 1 to 3 binary search finds 2? True binary search finds 9? False [1, 2, 2, 3] merged with [1, 3, 3, 4] returns 8 result: [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4] [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 4] in-place merged: [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4] [1, 2, 2, 3] includes [2, 3]? True union of [1, 2, 2, 3] and [1, 3, 3, 4] returns index 6 result: [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 0, 0] intersection of [1, 2, 2, 3] and [1, 3, 3, 4] returns index 2 result: [1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] difference of [1, 2, 2, 3] and [1, 3, 3, 4] returns index 2 result: [2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] symmetric difference of [1, 2, 2, 3] and [1, 3, 3, 4] returns index 4 result: [2, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0] push heap of [4, 2, 3, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0]: [5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0] pop heap of [4, 2, 3, 1]: [3, 2, 1, 4] make heap of [1, 2, 3, 4]: [4, 2, 3, 1] sort heap of [4, 2, 3, 1]: [1, 2, 3, 4] [4, 2, 3, 1] is heap? True [4, 2, 3, 1] is heap until 4
And here’s a screenshot of the GcTest
function in Unity’s profiler in “deep” mode to prove that none of this creates any garbage whatsoever:
Check out the GitHub project for the Iterator.cs
file that implements all of this. If you’ve got any questions about the iterator library or any suggestions on how to make it better, let me know in the comments!
Update: check out part seven