Continuing from last time, in today’s article we’ll discuss the process of building and using basic shaders. This forms the basis of all Flash 11 Stage3D engines, so you’ll be learning how hardware-accelerated 3D shaders are built from the ground up.

The first step in building the shader is to assemble the AGAL assembly source code into AGAL bytecode. This is usually accomplished with Adobe’s AGALMiniAssembler class. Here are the steps to assembling your AGAL assembly source code with AGALMiniAssembler:

// Create an AGALMiniAssembler that will assemble AGAL assembly source code
// into AGAL bytecode
var assembler:AGALMiniAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
// Assemble the vertex shader source (a String)
assembler.assemble(Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, VERTEX_SHADER_SOURCE);
// Check for errors that occurred during assembly
if (assembler.error)
    trace("Error assembling the vertex shader: " + assembler.error);
// If there were no errors, get the vertex shader bytecode
var vertexShaderBytecode:ByteArray = assembler.agalcode;
// Assemble the fragment shader source (a String).
// You do NOT need to create a new AGALMiniAssembler to do this.
// You can easily reuse any other AGALMiniAssembler.
assembler.assemble(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, FRAGMENT_SHADER_SOURCE);
// Check for errors that occurred during assembly
if (assembler.error)
    trace("Error assembling the fragment shader: " + assembler.error);
// If there were no errors, get the fragment shader bytecode
var fragmentShaderBytecode:ByteArray = assembler.agalcode;

Next you must acquire a shader program resource from the Context3D. As a refresher, here’s how you get the Context3D:

// Get the Stage3D to use
var stage3D:Stage3D = stage.stage3Ds[0]; // or 1 or 2 or 3
// Listen for when the Context3D is created for it
stage3D.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContext3DCreated);
// Request the Context3D with either software or auto (hardware with software fallback)
// Callback for when the Context3D is created
function onContext3DCreated(ev:Event): void
    // Get the Context3D from the Stage3D now that it is created
    var context3D:Context3D = stage3D.context3D;
    // Setup the back buffer for the context
        stage.stageWidth,  // for full-stage width
        stage.stageHeight, // for full-stage height
        0, // no antialiasing
        true // enable depth buffer and stencil buffer
    // ... use the Context3D

Now that we have a Context3D we can go about creating and uploading our shader bytecode to a Program3D object which represents a shader program:

// Create a new shader program for our shader (vertex and fragment parts)
var program:Program3D = context3D.createProgram();
// Upload the vertex and fragment shaders to the shader program
    program.upload(vertexShaderBytecode, fragmentShaderBytecode);
catch (err:Error)
    // Lots of error can occur in uploading the program. Many of them
    // are simple error checking (e.g. null bytecode) but many more
    // can indicate invalid bytecode such as programs that have more
    // than 200 hardware instructions.
    trace("Couldn't upload shader program: " + err);

Now that we’ve built the shader we can actually use it. That is pretty easy:

// Set the program as the shader program to use for all
// drawTriangles calls
// Draw as many times as you'd like using the same program
// Finalize the drawing

Finally, let’s look at a trivial AGAL program. The vertex program does one thing: outputs whatever vector is stored in its first vertex attribute as the vertex’s clip space coordinate. The fragment shader also does only one thing: outputs whatever vector is stored in its first constant as the vertex’s color. These shaders both satisfy the basic requirement of all shaders: output a position (vertex shader) and a color (fragment shader). Here is the source code for the vertex shader:

mov op, va0

And here is the source code for the fragment shader:

mov oc, fc0

As discussed in the previous article, we need to pass this data from our AS3 program to the shader using the Context3D. Here’s how we’ll do it:

// One time process:
// Create the color constant as a Vector of RGBA values are
// between 0 and 1, not 0 and 0xFF.
var color:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[0.9296875, 0.9140625, 0.84765625, 1];
// Create a vertex buffer of vertex positions for one
// triangle with 3 attributes (X, Y, and Z) per vertex
var positions:VertexBuffer3D = context3D.createVertexBuffer(3, 3);
// Upload the triangle's positions to the vertices from 0 through 3
positions.uploadFromVector(new <Number>[
	 0,  1, 0, // top-center
	-1, -1, 0, // bottom-left
	 1, -1, 0  // bottom-right
], 0, 3);
// Create an index buffer for the triangle
var tris:IndexBuffer3D = context3D.createIndexBuffer(3);
// Upload the triangle's indices to the index buffer
tris.uploadFromVector(new <uint>[0, 1, 2], 0, 3);
// Drawing code done every frame:
// Clear the back buffer of last frame's drawing
// Set the program as the shader program to use for all
// drawTriangles calls
// Use the already-uploaded vertex positions as va0
context3D.setVertexBufferAt(0, positions, 0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
// Upload the color to the fragment shader constant fc0
context3D.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 0, color);
// Draw as many times as you'd like using the same program
// Finalize the drawing

Here’s the same code snippet as a complete program:

	import com.adobe.utils.*;
	import flash.display3D.*;
	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.utils.*;
	public class Stage3DColorTriangleTest extends Sprite 
		private static const VERTEX_SHADER_SOURCE:String = "mov op, va0";
		private static const FRAGMENT_SHADER_SOURCE:String = "mov oc, fc0";
		private var stage3D:Stage3D;
		private var context3D:Context3D;
		private var positions:VertexBuffer3D;
		private var tris:IndexBuffer3D; 
		private var program:Program3D;
		private var color:Vector.<Number>;
		public function Stage3DColorTriangleTest()
			stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
			stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
			stage.frameRate = 60;
			// Get the Stage3D to use
			stage3D = stage.stage3Ds[0]; // or 1 or 2 or 3
			// Listen for when the Context3D is created for it
			stage3D.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContext3DCreated);
			// Request the Context3D with either software or auto (hardware with software fallback)
		// Callback for when the Context3D is created
		private function onContext3DCreated(ev:Event): void
			// Get the Context3D from the Stage3D now that it is created
			context3D = stage3D.context3D;
			context3D.enableErrorChecking = true;
			// Setup the back buffer for the context
				stage.stageWidth,  // for full-stage width
				stage.stageHeight, // for full-stage height
				0, // no antialiasing
				true // enable depth buffer and stencil buffer
			// Create an AGALMiniAssembler that will assemble AGAL assembly source code
			// into AGAL bytecode
			var assembler:AGALMiniAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
			// Assemble the vertex shader source (a String)
			assembler.assemble(Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, VERTEX_SHADER_SOURCE);
			// Check for errors that occurred during assembly
			if (assembler.error)
				trace("Error assembling the vertex shader: " + assembler.error);
			// If there were no errors, get the vertex shader bytecode
			var vertexShaderBytecode:ByteArray = assembler.agalcode;
			// Assemble the fragment shader source (a String).
			// You do NOT need to create a new AGALMiniAssembler to do this.
			// You can easily reuse any other AGALMiniAssembler.
			assembler.assemble(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, FRAGMENT_SHADER_SOURCE);
			// Check for errors that occurred during assembly
			if (assembler.error)
				trace("Error assembling the fragment shader: " + assembler.error);
			// If there were no errors, get the fragment shader bytecode
			var fragmentShaderBytecode:ByteArray = assembler.agalcode;
			// Create a new shader program for our shader (vertex and fragment parts)
			program = context3D.createProgram();
			// Upload the vertex and fragment shaders to the shader program
				program.upload(vertexShaderBytecode, fragmentShaderBytecode);
			catch (err:Error)
				// Lots of error can occur in uploading the program. Many of them
				// are simple error checking (e.g. null bytecode) but many more
				// can indicate invalid bytecode such as programs that have more
				// than 200 hardware instructions.
				trace("Couldn't upload shader program: " + err);
			// Create the color constant as a Vector of RGBA values are
			// between 0 and 1, not 0 and 0xFF.
			color = new <Number>[0.9296875, 0.9140625, 0.84765625, 1];
			// Create a vertex buffer of vertex positions for one
			// triangle with 3 attributes (X, Y, and Z) per vertex
			positions = context3D.createVertexBuffer(3, 3);
			// Upload the triangle's positions to the vertices from 0 through 3
			positions.uploadFromVector(new <Number>[
				 0,  1, 0, // top-center
				-1, -1, 0, // bottom-left
				 1, -1, 0  // bottom-right
			], 0, 3);
			// Create an index buffer for the triangle
			tris = context3D.createIndexBuffer(3);
			// Upload the triangle's indices to the index buffer
			tris.uploadFromVector(new <uint>[0, 1, 2], 0, 3);
			// Start the simulation
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
		private function onEnterFrame(ev:Event): void
			// Clear the back buffer of last frame's drawing
			// Set the program as the shader program to use for all
			// drawTriangles calls
			// Use the already-uploaded vertex positions as va0
			context3D.setVertexBufferAt(0, positions, 0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
			// Upload the color to the fragment shader constant fc0
			context3D.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 0, color);
			// Draw as many times as you'd like using the same program
			// Finalize the drawing

Run the demo app

That’s all for this time. Stay tuned for next time when we’ll do some complicated things with AGAL. In the meantime, if you’ve spotted a bug or have any questions about AGAL, feel free to post a comment.