Today’s article is about a hack. It’s a hack dedicated to improving the performance of helper functions, nested or not. you may not like the way the code looks, but you’ll love the speed!

Arguably the cleanest way to implement a helper function for a complex function is to nest that helper function inside of the complex function. For example, consider a compare function for Vector.sort when the Vectors are grids of numbers:

public function compareGrids(grid1:Vector.<Vector.<int>>, grid2:Vector.<Vector.<int>>): int
	function getGridSize(grid:Vector.<Vector.<int>>): int
		var sum:int;
		for each (var row:Vector.<int> in grid)
			for each (var val:int in row)
				sum += val;
		return sum;
	return getGridSize(grid1) - getGridSize(grid2);

Rather than repeating the loop that computes the sum of all the integers in a grid, we made a helper function to do this for us and nested it within the compare function. Now, to avoid generating activation objects for this nested function and destroying our performance, we must move it out to the class level.

public function compareGrids(grid1:Vector.<Vector.<int>>, grid2:Vector.<Vector.<int>>): int
	return getGridSize(grid1) - getGridSize(grid2);
private function getGridSize(grid:Vector.<Vector.<int>>): int
	var sum:int;
	for each (var row:Vector.<int> in grid)
		for each (var val:int in row)
			sum += val;
	return sum;

There are two downsides here. First, getGridSize was really just an implementation detail of our compare function and now it’s exposed to the general usage of the rest of the class. This means that it should probably be robust and do things like error handling (e.g. checking for null parameters) and we should probably document it. Ugh.

Second, we’re still doing two function calls to complete the task of comparing grids. Remember that these function calls wouldn’t be necessary if we had just been willing to write the sum-computing loop twice. Of course, that approach also has downsides. We would then need to maintain two copies of identical code, we would have sacrificed the function’s readability, and we would have bloated up our SWF with duplicated bytecode.

While I won’t be taking about readability today, the other two problems are more concrete: CPU performance to call getGridSize twice and added bytecode size of employing an extra function. So, let’s look at a third way of implementing this sorting function that uses a technique I call “fake functions”:

public function compareGrids(grid1:Vector.<Vector.<int>>, grid2:Vector.<Vector.<int>>): int
	var grid1size:int;
	var grid2size:int;
	for (var i:int; i < 2; ++i)
		// Setup "parameters"
		var grid:Vector.<Vector.<int>>;
		if (i == 0) grid = grid1;
		else grid = grid2;
		// Do "function"
		var sum:int;
		for each (var row:Vector.<int> in grid)
			for each (var val:int in row)
				sum += val;
		// Use "return value"
		if (i == 0) grid1size = sum;
		else grid2size = sum;
	return grid1size - grid2size;

Yes, this is a hack. It’s definitely not as clean as either other approach. This can be mitigated by good commenting, but it will never be quite as nice as using real functions. If cleanliness is more important than performance, you should definitely not use such a technique. However, if you’re looking for raw speed over all else to solve a bottleneck, this may be useful since it removes both function calls in favor of a simple loop that is run once per “function” call. The loop is in three parts:

  1. Use the loop index to set up the “paramters” to the “function”. The “parameters” are local variables.
  2. Do the work of the “function” and “return” values in the form of local variables.
  3. Use the “return values” of the “function”

These are the same steps that you go through to use an actual function, but you don’t get some of the syntactic help.

If we’re going to consider using this technique, we should make sure it actually delivers the goods and outperforms the other methods. Let’s do a performance test to see just how competitive it is. For the test, I’ve distilled down the three approaches (nested function, class-level function, “fake function”) to their most essential trait: number and type of function calls made. To do this, each function now simply computes the sum of the doubles of the first N integers. Here is the source code for your perusal:

	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.utils.*;
	import flash.text.*;
	public class FakeFunctions extends Sprite
		public function FakeFunctions()
			var logger:TextField = new TextField();
			logger.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
			var beforeTime:int;
			var afterTime:int;
			var i:int;
			const REPS:int = 1000;
			const SIZE:int = 10000;
			logger.text = ",Nested,Class Level,Fake\nTime,";
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			logger.appendText((afterTime-beforeTime) + ",");
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			logger.appendText((afterTime-beforeTime) + ",");
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			for (i = 0; i < REPS; ++i)
			afterTime = getTimer();
			logger.appendText((afterTime-beforeTime) + "\n");
		public function nested(num:int): int
			function double(num:int): int
				return num*2;
			var ret:int;
			for (var i:int; i < num; ++i)
				ret += double(num);
			return ret;
		public function classLevel(num:int): int
			var ret:int;
			for (var i:int; i < num; ++i)
				ret += double(num);
			return ret;
		private function double(num:int): int
			return num*2;
		public function fake(num:int): int
			var ret:int;
			for (var i:int; i < num; ++i)
				// Setup "parameters"
				var param:int = num;
				// Do "function"
				var retVal:int = param * 2;
				// Use "return values"
				ret += retVal;
			return ret;

I ran the test app in this environment:

  • Flex SDK (MXMLC), compiling in release mode (no debugging or verbose stack traces)
  • Release version of Flash Player
  • 2.4 Ghz Intel Core i5
  • Mac OS X 10.6.7

And here are the test results I got:

Nested Class Level Fake
Time 504 76 25

Here are those same results in chart form:

Results Chart

Clearly, the nested function is by far the slowest approach. Depending on your perspective, it may also be the cleanest approach because it keeps the implementation details of the function out of view of any other code. Switching to a class-level helper function makes a world of difference in performance, but a “fake function” goes one step further and results in a 3x performance gain.

If your performance bottleneck lies in a helper function, consider a “fake function” instead.