Strings and integers sort differently. Unfortunately, this became a problem for me during some recent experiments with Starling. It could be a problem for you too in a variety of situations. Today we’ll look at a workaround I’ve developed to solve this problem, which isn’t nearly as straightforward as you might think.

To illustrate the problem some more, consider sorting 0-100 as strings:

var a:Array = ["0", "1", "2", "99", "100"];
// output: 0,1,100,2,99

Everything’s correct except that 100 is put in with 1 because it starts with the same character. To solve this we’d normally set the sorting mode:

var a:Array = ["0", "1", "2", "99", "100"];
// output: 0,1,2,99,100

But what if we don’t have control over the sorting? What if the sorting is being done by a code library or engine we’re using? What if it’s being done by a server we have no control over? Don’t think this can happen? Check out Starling’s TextureAtlas.getTextures: (source)

/** Returns all texture names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically. */
public function getNames(prefix:String="", result:Vector.<String>=null):Vector.<String>
    if (result == null) result = new <String>[];
    for (var name:String in mTextureRegions)
        if (name.indexOf(prefix) == 0)
    return result;
/** Returns all textures that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically
 *  (especially useful for "MovieClip"). */
public function getTextures(prefix:String="", result:Vector.<Texture>=null):Vector.<Texture>
    if (result == null) result = new <Texture>[];
    for each (var name:String in getNames(prefix, sNames)) 
    sNames.length = 0;
    return result;

Would you modify the parameter to Array.sort? Would you remember to re-modify this every time you got a new version of Starling? This is just one example. In many cases you may not be able to simply modify the source code.

So, how do you go about creating a sortable string for your integer? One approach is to try to use built-in functionality like the radix parameter of int.toString to convert to base-26 for letters:

function convert(i:int): String { return i.toString(26); }
var a:Array = [convert(0), convert(1), convert(2), convert(99), convert(100)];
// output: 0,1,2,3l,3m

Well that didn’t work at all. Unless I’ve missed something, we’ll need to do it ourselves. The steps of the algorithm I used are as follows: (note: I use “digits” because I lack a good name for base-26)

  1. Determine the number of digits in the output string (e.g. 2)
  2. Determine the value of the the most-significant digit (e.g. 26*26=676 for 2 digits)
  3. Loop from the most-significant digit to the least-significant digit. At each iteration, determine the biggest digit and subtract its value from the input integer.

Here’s the AS3 code to do this:

*   Convert an integer to a string that can be sorted with Array.CASEINSENSITIVE
*   @param val Integer to convert
*   @param maxValue Maximum value of integers that will be sorted
*   @return The sortable string
*   @author Jackson Dunstan,
public static function intToSortableStr(val:uint, maxValue:uint): String
	// Get the number of digits in the string and the value of the most-significant digit
	var digitValue:uint = 1;
	var digits:uint;
	while (maxValue /= 26)
		digitValue *= 26;
	digitValue /= 26;
	// Build the string from most-signficant to least-signifcant digit
	var ret:String = "";
	for (var i:uint; i < digits; ++i)
		var digit:int = val / digitValue;
		if (digit == 0) ret += "A";
		else if (digit == 1) ret += "B";
		else if (digit == 2) ret += "C";
		else if (digit == 3) ret += "D";
		else if (digit == 4) ret += "E";
		else if (digit == 5) ret += "F";
		else if (digit == 6) ret += "G";
		else if (digit == 7) ret += "H";
		else if (digit == 8) ret += "I";
		else if (digit == 9) ret += "J";
		else if (digit == 10) ret += "K";
		else if (digit == 11) ret += "L";
		else if (digit == 12) ret += "M";
		else if (digit == 13) ret += "N";
		else if (digit == 14) ret += "O";
		else if (digit == 15) ret += "P";
		else if (digit == 16) ret += "Q";
		else if (digit == 17) ret += "R";
		else if (digit == 18) ret += "S";
		else if (digit == 19) ret += "T";
		else if (digit == 20) ret += "U";
		else if (digit == 21) ret += "V";
		else if (digit == 22) ret += "W";
		else if (digit == 23) ret += "X";
		else if (digit == 24) ret += "Y";
		else ret += "Z";
		val -= digit * digitValue;
		digitValue /= 26;
	return ret;

And here’s a little test app to test it out:

	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.display.StageAlign;
	import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
	import flash.text.TextField;
	import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
	public class IntToSortableStr extends Sprite
		private var tf:TextField = new TextField();
		private function row(...cols): void { tf.appendText(cols.join(",")+"\n"); }
		public function IntToSortableStr()
			stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
			stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
			tf.width = stage.stageWidth;
			tf.height = stage.stageHeight;
			row("Original", "Sorted", "Match");
			const NUM_VALS:int = 26*26+1;
			var original:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>(NUM_VALS);
			for (var i:int = 0; i < NUM_VALS; ++i)
				original[i] = intToSortableStr(i, NUM_VALS);
			var sorted:Vector.<String> = original.slice().sort(Array.CASEINSENSITIVE);
			for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; ++i)
				row(original[i], sorted[i], (original[i]==sorted[i]?"true":"false"));
		*   Convert an integer to a string that can be sorted with Array.CASEINSENSITIVE
		*   @param val Integer to convert
		*   @param maxValue Maximum value of integers that will be sorted
		*   @return The sortable string
		*   @author Jackson Dunstan,
		public static function intToSortableStr(val:uint, maxValue:uint): String
			// Get the number of digits in the string and the value of the most-significant digit
			var digitValue:uint = 1;
			var digits:uint;
			while (maxValue /= 26)
				digitValue *= 26;
			digitValue /= 26;
			// Build the string from most-signficant to least-signifcant digit
			var ret:String = "";
			for (var i:uint; i < digits; ++i)
				var digit:int = val / digitValue;
				if (digit == 0) ret += "A";
				else if (digit == 1) ret += "B";
				else if (digit == 2) ret += "C";
				else if (digit == 3) ret += "D";
				else if (digit == 4) ret += "E";
				else if (digit == 5) ret += "F";
				else if (digit == 6) ret += "G";
				else if (digit == 7) ret += "H";
				else if (digit == 8) ret += "I";
				else if (digit == 9) ret += "J";
				else if (digit == 10) ret += "K";
				else if (digit == 11) ret += "L";
				else if (digit == 12) ret += "M";
				else if (digit == 13) ret += "N";
				else if (digit == 14) ret += "O";
				else if (digit == 15) ret += "P";
				else if (digit == 16) ret += "Q";
				else if (digit == 17) ret += "R";
				else if (digit == 18) ret += "S";
				else if (digit == 19) ret += "T";
				else if (digit == 20) ret += "U";
				else if (digit == 21) ret += "V";
				else if (digit == 22) ret += "W";
				else if (digit == 23) ret += "X";
				else if (digit == 24) ret += "Y";
				else ret += "Z";
				val -= digit * digitValue;
				digitValue /= 26;
			return ret;

There’s a lot of output from this test app so I’ll just show the first part:


Rest assured that all of the results match. Feel free to use this little helper function the next time your integers are being sorted as strings.

Spot a bug? Have a suggestion or a question? Post a comment!