Along with Unity 2019.1 and Burst, the Unity.Mathematics package is now out of Preview. It offers alternatives to longstanding core types in Unity such as Vector3
, Matrix4x4
, and Quaternion
. Today we’ll see how switching to these types can improve performance in Burst-compiled jobs.
Posts Tagged matrix
One essential to a Stage3D
app is the ability to manipulate models in the 3D scene. Today’s article presents a class for making this really easy by avoiding all the manual work you’d to to save translation, rotation, and scale values as fields and manipulate various Matrix3D
instances. Read on for the source code and a demo app.
I was reminded about the flash.sampler API by Grant Skinner’s recent post about it. While only available in the debug player, it can still tell us some valuable information about what goes on in the release player. Today I’m using the getSize function to find out how much memory overhead various classes impose, even when they are empty.