Posts Tagged library

C++ For C# Developers: Part 51 – Missing Library Features

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Despite the C++ Standard Library having 13 articles worth of content, there’s still quite a bit that it doesn’t contain compared to what’s available in C#’s .NET libraries. Today we’ll look at some of those gaps and see how to fill them.

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 39 – Language Support Library

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Some parts of C++ require parts of the C++ Standard Library. We’ve lightly touched on classes like std::initializer_list and std::typeinfo already, but today we’ll look at a whole lot more. We’ll see parts of the Standard Library that would typically be built into the language or are otherwise strongly tied to making use of particular language features.

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 38 – C Standard Library

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Today we’ll begin exploring the C++ Standard Library. As C++ is mostly a superset of C, the C++ Standard Library is mostly a superset of the C Standard Library. So we’ll begin there!

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 5 – Build Model

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Today’s article continues the series by introducing C++’s build model, which is very different from C#. We’ll go into preprocessing, compiling, linking, header files, the one definition rule, and many other aspects of how our source code gets built into an executable.

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Hiding Unity Library Internals

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When writing code for a library, there is invariably some of it you want to hide from the users of the library. You want to keep the public API clean, but Unity makes this tough. Today’s article discusses a strategy for laying out your code so that users of the library aren’t burdened by classes, functions, and properties that they don’t need to know about. Read on to see how!

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