Posts Tagged bit field

C++ For C# Developers: Part 10 – Struct Basics

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Let’s continue the series today by starting to look at structs. These are far more powerful in C++ than in C#, so today we’ll start with basics like defining and initializing them. Read on to get started!

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Adding Bit Fields to C#

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Bit fields give us the ability to use less than one byte to store an integer. This can be really useful to fit more data into a CPU cache or to reduce memory usage in general. Unfortunately, bit fields aren’t built into C#. Today we’ll work around that by creating our own!

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BitArray32 and BitArray64

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C# already has two bit array types, but both are lacking. BitArray is a class so it requires heap allocation and GC. BitVector32 is a struct, but it’s usage is bizzare, it’s implemented inefficiently, it’s not enumerable, and there’s no 64-bit version. Today we’ll create a new, simple type to remedy these issues and add a new tool to our toolbox!

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Get More out of Four Bytes than a Boolean

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A Boolean in AS3 takes up four bytes of memory to store a single bit of information. It takes up 32x more memory than it needs. We can make better use of this memory and today’s article explains how.

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